Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

I was supposed to be out of town the week of my birthday but it got cancelled. So we got to hang out at the pool and then celebrate as a family!

The sweet moments between these two...I can't get enough of them.

She's been busy reading this summer.

Giving me a thumbs up....her new thing!

These kids spend most mornings together. They are all so sweet with Lindley and she loves them!!

Lilly and I snuck out to get my free sub at Firehouse on my birthday. SSHH it's our secret!!

When the kids and I got home from spending the day at the pool Jeff had a cake baking and had bought me a candle! (We didn't do gifts for bdays this year due to our trip). I was so happy!

After a yummy dinner of Daddy's "famous" chicken. We celebrated with some cake!

I'm one lucky Mommy!!

and wife!!
Thanks for a great birthday!!

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