Thursday, June 13, 2013

What we've been up to!

We've been staying pretty busy around here, but it's been mostly fun!!
 So....all these loaded sideways and I have no idea why...turn your head. SORRY!

Lindley and Lance playing...he is so sweet with her.

Look her little hand on his shoulder!!

It is officially summer and HOT! We spent the afternoon one day playing in the water. They got a package from Grandma Trisha with some outside toys and played with them too! SO FUN!

Lance pulled a tooth!! We were laying in bed one morning and he told me it hurt.

Next thing I know he pulled it!

Lilly did my workout with me one day. She did great, completed the whole 45 minute workout!

We had a birthday party at Kangarooz for one of Lance's friends. Everyone had a great time!

Micah, Aidan and Lance, the three amigos!

Her first oreo. She literally pulled it apart, licked the center and gave it back to me. How did she know to do that??

We went to Bass Pro one afternoon. Of course the boats were a big hit!

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Someone was worn out!!

Movie night in our bed! Or course Lindley thought she was big stuff!

Spent the afternoon laying by the pool one day. Lilly working on her tan!

.....I'm beginning to see a pattern here!

Look will see sour cream on her forehead and nose. She literally licked her plate clean!!

After a big day she was wiped out!! She uses her elephant as a pillow, so cute!
Wow, we've been busy!!

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