Thursday, June 20, 2013

Birthday Fun!

Wednesday was my birthday and we had a BIG day! Jeff had to work so I kinda planned to stay busy so I didn't get sad he couldn't join us. After swim practice we stayed and swam till about 1. Then we headed to the library for the summer reading show. This week it was a singer/songwriter that sang silly songs her wrote. We all enjoyed it! We came home and rested and sent Jeff off to work. Then we went and picked up my birthday freebies for dinner. Headed to the bay to eat and play. Then went to get free ice cream and free movies. We ended the night chilling and watching the movie. Overall it was a GREAT day!!

She asked me to take some pictures of her. She is turning in to quite a little diva. However.....just look at that face. I honestly can't believe the natural beauty this girl has.

Of course....the boy had other plans....!! LOVE HIM!

Got some pics with my loves!! Such a lucky momma to call them mine!!
It was a great day! We missed Jeff, but managed to have fun!

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