Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Hanavers Visit-Photo Shoot

I was busy last week preparing for the arrival of the Hanavers! They got in Saturday morning and left this morning. We had a great time! There were moments that got crazy, but overall I would say it was a success.
Saturday is was rainy and they were all worn out from traveling so we just hung around the house and played.
Sunday we decided to attempt our photo shoot with all the kids. Considering there are 6 of them I think we got some good ones!

This was Molly waiting to leave.

The boys...always waiting on the girls!

Here are a few of my favorites...there a SO many!
Look at those faces!

Little stair steps!


So handsome!
Where are Max and Lance??

Beautiful girls!

These two didn't quite get it!

Cracks me up!!
Molly helping Baby Lindley

Look at those faces....such good friends.

Showing some attitude!
I was pretty impressed with their behavior and willingness to get their picture taken.

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