Sunday, March 3, 2013

Monster Jam

Saturday afternoon Jeff and I took Lilly and Lance to Monster Jam. They had seen the commercials and asked to go, but we didn't tell them until Friday that we were going. Lillly was nervous about the noise, but once I explained that she would have ear muffs she was good to go!

Lance at the "Pit Party" with the driver of Razin' Kane

Lance in front of Grave diggers tire

Lilly & Jeff in front of Grave Digger

Superman & Razin' Kane

Totally engaged! Didn't want to miss a thing

Full boar and Grave Digger

This was a mechanic dinosaur that opened up and "ate" a car.

You can see the bits of the car in his "hands"

Lance was amazed!!

Grave Digger was Lilly's favorite

Superman! Lance liked Superman, Backdraft & Grave Digger
It was a great time and it was nice to just spend some time w/the older kids. I think they enjoyed it. Even Lilly got into it!

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