Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lance's birthday party!

Well today was finally the big day!! Lance's birthday party. He has been SO excited!! He had quite a few friends come and I think everyone had a great time!

Waiting patiently for his friends to arrive!

Angelina, Destiny and Ava!!

Lindley had fun too!!

A little hula hoopin'

Boys will be boys!!

Yummy pizza!


So cute!

Happy birthday to you!

Make a wish

So handsome!!

Mam & Pap got him a ninja turtle car!

Ninja turtle w/ooze

Ninja costumes...



Lindley peaking in the house

Mammaw helped Lindley slide and she loved it!

This is Nora and Lance. It's blurry but I love it cause Jeff said Nora was doing everything Lance did!

After the party....I think he got hot and had fun!!
He accidentally found Lilly's gift for him this morning so she gave it to him. A turtle pillow and key chain.

Raphael showing his skills

Michelangelo attacks!

Leonardo in action!
He ended up with all but one costume. He kept switching back and forth the rest of the afternoon from one to the other! He cracks me up!!
I am glad he finally got to have a "big" party. He has kinda missed out the past two years and deserved to have a nice one. I think he was happy. We didn't really do family gifts today. We will do that on his actually birthday.

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