Sunday, January 29, 2012


I believe we have officially entered the Lego stage. They each got a small starter kit for Christmas from Pappaw & Julie and have really enjoyed playing with them. Then I won an Indiana Jones set during my training & they have both put it together. I have been seeing the new Legos Friends, which is Lego sets for girls. Lilly & I looked at them at Target on Friday when she got out of school early. She was VERY interested in them. So today she went to the grocery with me & we went back & looked at them. I let her pick out one of the small sets and found a set for Lance as well.

We got home & she opened it and put it together all by herself within 20 mins (I was still putting groceries away)! Lance got started but needed some help (they are for ages 5 & up so that's understandable). Once I helped him put it together once he took it apart & was able to put it together himself!

Anyway, I LOVE watching them play with them because they concentrate so hard & really look at the picture and what they are trying to make!! Of course I do not enjoy the tiny pieces that are left behind!!

This is later in the evening she was working on the Indiana Jones set. I didn't get a pic of her w/the other set because she was too fast!!

This is Lance finishing up the fire ATV. He did really good!

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