Monday, January 9, 2012


We went to the cardiologist today & got great news. She said that with the exception of the shifted heart Lindley is perfect!!! She didn't know why she was so confused last time. It probably had to due with her size & just the position she was in. Regardless, the stomach & aorta are fine. The heart is functioning great & there should be no problems! They will do an ECHO when she is born to confirm just to make sure. WE ARE SO HAPPY & RELIEVED!!! I was giddy with excitement when she told us. We finally have everyone on the same page, which is so great!! I feel like we can finally just enjoy the rest of my pregnancy & prepare for her arrival!!

Speaking of which, Friday while I was work Jeff went and got her pack-n-play (aka bed) and got it all together! We had been looking so he knew which one I wanted, but surprised me! Of course that meant I spent the weekend figuring out how to rearrange our room to make it functional for us! (Jeff was not pleased but obliged). I finally got it finished yesterday & am happy with it.

While I was in there the kids had a blast going through all the baby toys. It cracks me up because they are all toys they played with but act like they have never seen them. They are VERY excited as well & are talking to & about her more. At wal-mart yesterday I was getting diapers & browsed the rest of the baby stuff. Lilly wanted to buy her something so badly. It was very sweet. 

We also ordered the swing (which was the other big thing we needed). So now we can just get everything washed & pick up a few things we need here & there. I am out of town all week, but plan to work on that this weekend!

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