Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

The kids and I had a busy and productive day. I cleaned out & organized both of their rooms. I didn't get rid of a lot of toys, but everything has a place. Then after dinner & baths we took down all the Christmas decorations except the tree. We finally got to our New Year's Eve celebration around 8. We started with Wii, then board games and finished with some coloring before the ball drop! We celebrated at 11 again, Lillly was wound up all evening. Lance had a nap so he did pretty good, but melted shortly after 11. 
I think this is the basketball game.They really got into it!

Golf was so funny!! They kept swinging it like a bat! Lance did get par on a par 3 though!!

So cute! They played Wii for over an hour & only stopped because I made them! They love it!

A little Pop the Pig!
Guess who??

Lance wouldn't cooperate!

Lance lost interest in Trouble...didn't finish


They were ready!! They were blowing them at 7 o'clock!! Couldn't wait to blow their horns!!

Happy New Year!!

They loved it!!

Happy New Year!!

This is Lilly getting a kiss from Lance. I told them they both had to kiss me at midnight since Jeff wasn't home. They acted like they had never kissed me before. Lilly wanted to give Lindley a kiss. I told her after she kissed me! I did in fact get a kiss from each of them & so did Lindley. However, Lilly had to steal one from Lance!!!

We (especially me) missed Jeff last night. It's the first New Year we haven't been together in probably 15 years. Just seemed weird. However, we are looking forward to another exciting year and meeting Miss Lindley!!

Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!!

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