Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hair trim

I finally took Lance to get his hair trimmed today. It has been a bit out of control! He did so good and sat so still. I thought he was going to fall asleep. He trimmed his neck and around his ears (which looks so much better) and then just gave the rest of it a good trim. No worries....the curls are still there!!
Isn't he handsome??

Still plenty of curls!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Worn out

Today while Lilly & I were grocery shopping Jeff & Lance cleaned the bathrooms. Then after lunch the kids had to pick up their rooms so I could vacuum. Jeff did several other tasks as well. Anyway, by 1:30 we pretty much had our "to do" list done because we all chipped in and worked together. Both kids were VERY big helpers today. I was glad I decided to buy them the Legos!

So of course then it was rest time and the kids & Jeff went to watch a movie in our room. After a bit Lilly was done resting & guess what the boys were doing....
Some things never change.....like father, like son!!
Love my boys!!


I believe we have officially entered the Lego stage. They each got a small starter kit for Christmas from Pappaw & Julie and have really enjoyed playing with them. Then I won an Indiana Jones set during my training & they have both put it together. I have been seeing the new Legos Friends, which is Lego sets for girls. Lilly & I looked at them at Target on Friday when she got out of school early. She was VERY interested in them. So today she went to the grocery with me & we went back & looked at them. I let her pick out one of the small sets and found a set for Lance as well.

We got home & she opened it and put it together all by herself within 20 mins (I was still putting groceries away)! Lance got started but needed some help (they are for ages 5 & up so that's understandable). Once I helped him put it together once he took it apart & was able to put it together himself!

Anyway, I LOVE watching them play with them because they concentrate so hard & really look at the picture and what they are trying to make!! Of course I do not enjoy the tiny pieces that are left behind!!

This is later in the evening she was working on the Indiana Jones set. I didn't get a pic of her w/the other set because she was too fast!!

This is Lance finishing up the fire ATV. He did really good!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Movie night!

I have a projector for work so Jeff decided to get a movie for the kids & watch it using the projector. They thought it was AWESOME!!

Lilly claimed the chair & didn't move! I had the couch so the boys were stuck with the floor! It was fun!!

33 weeks!

She has really popped out this week!! 7 more weeks!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ready for the weekend!!

So we are feeling much better, the weather is supposed to be nice & Jeff is off this weekend! WHOOOHOO!! He is working for someone tonight, but hopefully will not have to work the whole shift & can get some rest!

Lilly has a game tomorrow but other than that we are have no plans! Just going to play & finally get out & enjoy the sunshine!!

Lance REALLY wants to have a friend over so I may get brave & try that......I'll let you know!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finally feeling better!!

Lance has been fever free for two days & went to school today!! He is still tired, but feeling much better. Lilly is pretty much back to normal. Jeff is doing good & I am feeling better as well. THANK GOODNESS!!

Here's some proof they are feeling better!!



They think they are comedians now!!

Love them!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Illness update..

Just when I thought we were might be making a recovery....Lance's fever spiked yesterday afternoon to like 103!! It came right down, I think it just got so high because he was watching tv under covers and we didn't realize he even had one. However, it was 102 this morning. So no school for him & we just chilled all day. Took him to the dr. she said his ears and throat look good and wants to give the fever another day or two. She did give me a nasal spray and cough med. for him. Hopefully this will do the trick. Jeff & I still feel pretty rotten. Hoping the end is near!

On a good note....Lilly is feeling great & had a field trip to a science & nature center in Orange Beach today. It wasn't on the beach but still how cool is that?? She was SO EXCITED!!! She couldn't wait to tell us all about it. Mom picked her up cause I had Lance at the dr (Jeff was sleeping, back on nights tonight). When Mom brought her home her eyes were so big & she was just telling us all about it! She touched a sting ray...yes my Lilly touched a sting ray! I just can't get over how much she has came out of her shell!! Love that girl!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where did this week go??

So this week is a blur. Lilly ended up missing school Tue-Thurs & Lance was out Friday. She probably could have gone Thurs, but was still tired & just didn't look good. Lance started with the fever Wed evening and is still running one on and off. He doesn't seem to be as bad as she was so hopefully he will be fine by Monday. Jeff & I both started feeling bad Thurs. night/Fri. I think he has a sinus infection and I have allergies/cold. So we've beeen pretty boring. Lilly had a game today and then went to Madison's house for a playdate. She had a good time, but was worn out! Lance went to Mammaw & Pappaw's but his fever came back up so they just chilled most of the afternoon. I did manage to pick up some bins for Lindley's changing table and got the rest of her clothes washed!!

(Ignore the poster under the changing table, that's Lilly's school project).
She does not need clothes 0-3. Ally send a BUNCH of Hadley's clothes (thank you) and so she is in GREAT shape!! We have a few things to pick up but for the most part I would say we are ready. I had a dr. appt. Friday and  everything looked good. It was with my regular dr and we all agreed I didn't need to return to the high risk dr. Since the cardiologist signed off on everything that's what was important. So we got pre-registered down here at the local hospital and are counting the days!! I'll try to post a pic tomorrow of the belly tomorrow. She is growing!!  We are at 32 weeks, only 8 weeks left!! I am feeling pretty good, but I am not sleeping well. I didn't have that problem with the other two so this is new to me. Due to that I get worn out pretty easily. Hopefully, it doesn't last until she gets here!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lilly cheering!

This is a link of Lilly's "half-time" cheer this past Saturday. SO CUTE!!

I can't believe how much she has come out of her shell! So proud of her!!

Lance's hair!

This video is of Lance just out of the tub....check it out!! SO FUNNY!

The result of this flapping....

It is getting so long! I can't believe one of my children has this much curl...it is INSANE!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lazy weekend

We went to Lilly's game Saturday afternoon and then came home and just relaxed. I think traveling caught up with me!
I noticed Lilly coughing Friday evening & a little Saturday morning. As the day went on she seemed to feel worse. She was up once coughing Saturday night but went back to sleep. Yesterday she started with a low fever & just seemed to get worse.
Early this morning the fever was back & she was coughing quite a bit. I got in the dr. today & they gave her another breathing treatment. She said she did hear some wheezing & her breathing was decreased somewhat, but after the treatment the wheezing was gone. She prescribed another inhaler and said that if her fever isn't gone in a few days to bring her back.
Her fever got high this afternoon because she HATES taking medicine. I finally had to threaten her to get her to take it. It came down some & we ran to Wal-Mart to pick up her meds. We found a different ibuprofen for her to try. I got that in her along with her singular and inhaler & she started feeling MUCH better. After some dinner and a bath she was ready to go! I hope she sleeps good so she can go to school tomorrow (they were out today for MLK day).
So instead of enjoying the sunny 60+ degree days we've had, we have been cooped up inside. Hopefully, it doesn't last long!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lilly's report card!

Lilly had another great report card. She got all G's (good, which is the highest). Plus they do a reading assessment to see if they are on track for reading. She not only met her Dec. goals, but also passed the May goals. See the picture below!
So proud of her & happy she loves school & reading!!!

Getting closer....

The swing came while I was gone & Jeff got it setup. I have things arranged the way I want (for now). Just have to wash clothes & enjoy our time before Ms. Lindley's arrival!!

Back home!!

I got in this afternoon around 5. It was nice to be home & the kids were excited to see me! It was a nice trip, but a little long. Last night we had an awards ceremony & I won an award!! It was because my school district had the most log ins in the first month than any other new implementation!! I was shocked & am not sure it had much to do with me, but I'll take it!! Looking forward to spending the weekend just relaxing with my family!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Missing my family....

Well, this is night 3 of 4. So after tonight only one more sleep & I get to go home! I have talked to them each night & they lay it on pretty good. They seem to be missing me more this time than the other trips. Lance has said, "I miss you and Lindley". So precious! Their voices sound so pathetic. They know how to get to my heart.

This week has been fun. It's nice to see everyone since I work from home, but I'm ready to be home. A day or two is plenty for me. We have one more full day & then a short session Friday morning before I fly out Friday afternoon. Hopefully it goes fast!

Monday, January 9, 2012


We went to the cardiologist today & got great news. She said that with the exception of the shifted heart Lindley is perfect!!! She didn't know why she was so confused last time. It probably had to due with her size & just the position she was in. Regardless, the stomach & aorta are fine. The heart is functioning great & there should be no problems! They will do an ECHO when she is born to confirm just to make sure. WE ARE SO HAPPY & RELIEVED!!! I was giddy with excitement when she told us. We finally have everyone on the same page, which is so great!! I feel like we can finally just enjoy the rest of my pregnancy & prepare for her arrival!!

Speaking of which, Friday while I was work Jeff went and got her pack-n-play (aka bed) and got it all together! We had been looking so he knew which one I wanted, but surprised me! Of course that meant I spent the weekend figuring out how to rearrange our room to make it functional for us! (Jeff was not pleased but obliged). I finally got it finished yesterday & am happy with it.

While I was in there the kids had a blast going through all the baby toys. It cracks me up because they are all toys they played with but act like they have never seen them. They are VERY excited as well & are talking to & about her more. At wal-mart yesterday I was getting diapers & browsed the rest of the baby stuff. Lilly wanted to buy her something so badly. It was very sweet. 

We also ordered the swing (which was the other big thing we needed). So now we can just get everything washed & pick up a few things we need here & there. I am out of town all week, but plan to work on that this weekend!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our cheerleader!

Today was Lilly's first game as a cheerleader!!! She went right out there & was smiling! I couldn't believe how well she did. She got tired towards the end, but still did everything she needed to. I was so proud. Jeff had to work, but will be able to see her next 4 games! My parents were there so that helped some. Also, Lance watched the games VERY intently & would clap when someone made a basket. He so desperately wants to be able to play a sport. ANY sport. I feel so bad for him. If we can get him through the next year he should be able to. I got a few good pics, but I am sure there will be many more!

Getting started, how precious???

They announce the cheerleaders & players. They run through the streamers you see in the background!! Lilly is the one on the left.

At half-time they came to the middle & did a cheer. The girl sitting on the floor helps the coach. I think she is a high school cheerleader. She's sweet.

Getting hot....look at the leggings!! They aren't wearing them next week they were HOT!

So proud of how much she has come out of her shell & is enjoying being a part of something! Such a big girl!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

We have fish!!

Yesterday afternoon we were finally able to go get fish! Jeff had been working & the PH was high so it took awhile. We took the kids and let them pick them out. We started with 4. They got Tiger Barb. Two of them have black stripes w/some orange and the other two are striped, but have green so they kinda look camouflage. The kids are very interested in them and have spent quite a bit of time watching them!
Here's the finished tank. We hadded some plants and the diver.

There they are!! Pretty cute little fish!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~30 weeks~

I can't believe I am 30 weeks!!! Lindley is going to be here soon!! We had an appointment with the specialist today. She is growing like a weed, 3lbs. 9oz!!!! She better slow down!! The tech today saw things the same as the last one so that is good. Consistency is nice for a change. Everything is good & there have been no changes. We go back to him in 3 weeks. We go to the regular dr Thurs. and the cardiologist Mon.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

The kids and I had a busy and productive day. I cleaned out & organized both of their rooms. I didn't get rid of a lot of toys, but everything has a place. Then after dinner & baths we took down all the Christmas decorations except the tree. We finally got to our New Year's Eve celebration around 8. We started with Wii, then board games and finished with some coloring before the ball drop! We celebrated at 11 again, Lillly was wound up all evening. Lance had a nap so he did pretty good, but melted shortly after 11. 
I think this is the basketball game.They really got into it!

Golf was so funny!! They kept swinging it like a bat! Lance did get par on a par 3 though!!

So cute! They played Wii for over an hour & only stopped because I made them! They love it!

A little Pop the Pig!
Guess who??

Lance wouldn't cooperate!

Lance lost interest in Trouble...didn't finish


They were ready!! They were blowing them at 7 o'clock!! Couldn't wait to blow their horns!!

Happy New Year!!

They loved it!!

Happy New Year!!

This is Lilly getting a kiss from Lance. I told them they both had to kiss me at midnight since Jeff wasn't home. They acted like they had never kissed me before. Lilly wanted to give Lindley a kiss. I told her after she kissed me! I did in fact get a kiss from each of them & so did Lindley. However, Lilly had to steal one from Lance!!!

We (especially me) missed Jeff last night. It's the first New Year we haven't been together in probably 15 years. Just seemed weird. However, we are looking forward to another exciting year and meeting Miss Lindley!!

Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!!