Monday, December 5, 2011

Parade, Bass Pro & a mixture of emotions!

So Friday morning we were in total shock & trying to process everything the dr. had told us. Yet, we still have two other kids that were looking forward to a fun-filled weekend (Jeff was off).

We had to pull ourselves together & continue on as planned. Friday night we went to the Christmas parade downtown. One of Lance's friends from school & his family joined us (his mom & I have become friends). They kids had a great time!!

They were wound up when we got there. Lilly was dancing around singing Christmas songs!!

Waiting for Aidan to arrive!!


Everyone was able to get a stuffed animal!! Happy kids!

look at all the beads!'s not's Christmas!

Saturday afternoon we headed to Bass Pro to see Santa. Lilly had told me the night before that she was going to "try" & sat on Santa's lap. We had 2 & 1/2 hours before our turn for Santa. After an emotional breakdown by Lance (followed by a nap for him while Lilly & I shopped at Kohl's) we headed back & sure enough she walked up there & told him what she wanted & then got on his lap for a picture. She was still apprehensive & nervous, but never cried! WE WERE SO PROUD!!! This is the first time  (except for when she was a lump at 3 months) that she has EVER sat on his lap or even gone near him! Of course Lance had no problem!


After Bass Pro we had an early dinner at The Fish Company (they gave us coupons for free kids meals), then the kids & I headed out to do some shopping. We were able to get their teachers gifts & some of Jeff's gifts! Then we took Lance home (which caused another breakdown) & Lilly & I went shopping for her gift for Lance. All in all in was a good day & we got a lot accomplished.

I was able to stay focused on the kids & not worry too much. The evenings & early mornings were a little tougher.

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