Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lilly lost another tooth!!!

Lilly has had a loose tooth for awhile now. It has been bothering her when she eats. She is like I was & once it's loose she wants it out. However, this one wasn't cooperating and she couldn't seem to get it. This morning after breakfast she was wiggling it and I tried to help her, but it hurt and she wanted to do it. Jeff was at work so I consulted with Pappaw. He spoke with Lilly & she agreed to let him come look at it. She showed him the tooth when he got here and they talked about using a string to get it out. At first she wasn't going for it. So he hung out for awhile & would just talk to her about it every once in awhile. Finally, she was ready to try it. It took a couple tries to get it on there, but he did & as he was trying to tighten the string the tooth jumped out & ended up in the tub!!!! She thought that was SO FUNNY!! She did such a great job and didn't panic or get nervous at all. I was so proud of her. She felt so much better once it was out & was looking forward to seeing what the tooth fairy left her!!!

Silly girl!!!

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