Friday, December 16, 2011


Lance told me he wrote "Mom" the other day. I didn't think too much about it until the next time he had school and I realized I had forgotten his papers the time before. When I looked on the back I saw "Mom". I asked him about it & he said he wrote it. So I asked his teacher about it & she said she wrote it on the board and he then wrote it on his paper!!!!

You can see it looks like she wrote it on the bottom, but he wrote the one on the top all by himself!!! This is HUGE. He has been working on his name & has the "L" & "a" pretty good, but this is great. He had a paper & pencil the other day & was wanting to write his letters. So I took the letter chart off the wall so he could see it better & he practiced for probably 15 mins. Then he went & got his soft letters & spelled out his name! I just can't believe how he has taken off. Remember he had no interest in letters or spelling his name this summer?? He really is growing up......can't believe he is almost 4!!!

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