Friday, May 20, 2011


I do believe we are officially paci free!!! I must admit that after the first night I wasn't 100% sure we were going to make it. However, last night he cried only a few minutes. He woke up once, but Jeff went in & laid him back down & he went right back to sleep for the rest of the night. (He did end up in our bed at some point, but he never cried for his paci so I think he just wanted to be with us. They both do that once in awhile).

Jeff had to go back to work tonight so I was on my own. I was hoping he would take it easy on me. I had told them they could watch a movie while I took a shower before they had to go to bed (I don't like taking a shower while they sleep). Anyway, they ended up getting in trouble while I was in the shower (tumbling on fell off & I heard it) & lost their movie. They were both crying & I thought it would make it worse.

However, by the time I got them in bed he had calmed down. The Hanavers are supposed to be here early in the morning so I told them both that Gracie might get to wake them up so they better go to sleep fast. He never cried. He asked me to lay with him, but I told him I hadn't had dinner & needed to do a few things. He asked to make a deal (this is something that Jeff started with Lilly when we moved into the house in New Salisbury to get her to sleep in her own bed). Lance has overheard her ask for it & occassionally asks us to make a deal with him. I tried this last night but it didn't work, but tonight.....IT WORKED!!!

The deal was IF you lay here & try to go to sleep without crying you can have a drumstick for breakfast!! I told him I would check on him in 10 minutes & if he hadn't fallen asleep I would lay with him. I NEVER HEARD A PEEP!!! I checked on him about 30 minutes later & he was OUT!!!

WAY TO GO LANCE YOU DID IT!!!  We are SO proud of you!!!

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