Thursday, May 5, 2011

Handsome boy.....

So I got a call from JC Penney today & the lady who took Lance's pics submitted one for the quarterly catalog & of course it got picked!! I didn't talk to them so I don't know which one. I have to go back & sign a release so I am going to ask which one. Jeff says we should get a free photo shoot.....I'll have to see what I can get out of them!!

On the other hand he may be handsome but not always graceful, today at the park he tripped & fell & the concrete got him good.....

You can't see it very well, but it scraped his nose, his cheek & his forehead. He continues to amaze me because he is pretty coordinated, but falls ALL THE TIME. I think it's because he is so constant & never stops. He can't take the time to slow down & be careful!

Either way he is still handsome to me!!!

*Another mom & Lance were talking the other day & he was telling mom how he fell of the step into the pool without his floaties on. Mom asked him if he doggie paddled. The conversation went on & he was telling her about it again & he said he was "piddledoggin". My mom & I about fell out of our seats. He mixes stuff up all the time, but this is by far the best!!!

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