Saturday, May 7, 2011

Busy Day!!

So after Lilly's game we headed over to Home Depot for the kids workshop. We haven't done this since December (the kids have reminded me several times, but we just kept missing it). They were super happy when I surprised them with it this morning!! The funny thing is they made Mother's Day planters!! I think we decided Lilly will give hers to her teacher at school & we will keep Lance's.
Mammaw came to help, which was good because it's hard to this alone!! You can still see the sweat from her game!! She was SO HOT!!! I tell you she played hard!

Hard at work!



All done!! Just a coat of paint & it will be perfect!


After Home Depot we did a little shopping (I scored 2 medium & 4 votive yankee candles for $20!!!!) then headed to Chik-Fil-A for lunch. We had to go sign the release from for Lance's pic. The girl that took them was there & explained it isn't a catalog but any of JC Penney portrait related things (flyers, pics in studio, etc). There will be one of him up in the studio where they were taken & then from there it's up to the corporate. She said they may email me & let me know but she wasn't sure. I know it's not that big of deal, but I was just so excited. I can't wait to go back & see my handsome boy hanging on the wall!!! After all that we headed to the splash pad at the mall. We've never been to this one & I thought it would be fun. They kids had a blast!!

Look at her face!

The water was cold!! (Funny thing....Lilly has the same suit as the girl in the background)

Lance is in there somewhere!

Snack time!

This cracked me up!! It lasted about 2 minutes. She spent more time spreading the towel than actually laying on it!

We hung out with Mammaw for a little bit before heading home. They both fell asleep on the way home (Lance didn't have a nap....trying to ween him off of them......gonna be a long rode I do believe...the boy likes his naps!!!) It was a good day!!!

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