Monday, May 30, 2011

Toy Box

The kids were playing in Lance's room this morning. They had the door closed & were pretty quiet so I went to check on them.....this is what I found....
That is Lilly......not sure how she got her legs in there!!

Here's the setup....I am assuming this is their houses....they are BIG into making their how little houses. Lilly lives in the toy box & lance lives on the floor. Notice how it is blocked off by the stroller & basket. Yesterday they used laundry baskets to do basicially the same thing. CRACKS ME UP!!
How cute is she??

Sunday, May 29, 2011


So this morning Lance spent about 20 mins "fixing" his hair.

He got it completely wet....



More curling...

The finished product...

CRACKED ME UP!! He then had to get dressed because his jamos were soaking wet!!!

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is our 7 year wedding anniversary! Jeff is working & we aren't planning on doing anything special (we went out last week w/Tiff & Jay....we will count that as our celebration). I did bake a cake last night & told him it could be our anniversary cake!!

I have to say it has been an exciting 7 years (not to mention 9 years prior to marriage). We have many ups & our share of downs. However, I feel like we have weathered them all togehter & come out stronger than ever.

We have many friends & family that have supported us throughout it all. Thank you all so much. I know we wouldn't be here without you. Here's to many more years of excitement!!

I love you Jeffrey Paul Wade!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

What a week!!

Well, The Hanavers headed back to Indiana this evening :( We had a blast!! I don't have many pics because Tiff did most of the picture taking. However, we got some great ones!! We spent some time on the beach & at the pool, went on a dolphin cruise & just had a great time spending time together. Here are a few that I did take.
Max when they arrived at our house !

Miss Molly

Lance & Molly playing

Lilly helping Grace swim

Nice goggles!


On the dolphin cruise....watching for dolphins.

Flying kites. They did great & had a blast!

I will post more pics when I get them from Tiff. We had a blast & I am so thankful they came. I know it was A LOT of work for them & I really appreciate it. Lilly didn't want them to leave & she cried when they left. It broke my heart. She had so much fun. Lance did too, but he doesn't understand the way she does. I can't wait for them to come back again!!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I do believe we are officially paci free!!! I must admit that after the first night I wasn't 100% sure we were going to make it. However, last night he cried only a few minutes. He woke up once, but Jeff went in & laid him back down & he went right back to sleep for the rest of the night. (He did end up in our bed at some point, but he never cried for his paci so I think he just wanted to be with us. They both do that once in awhile).

Jeff had to go back to work tonight so I was on my own. I was hoping he would take it easy on me. I had told them they could watch a movie while I took a shower before they had to go to bed (I don't like taking a shower while they sleep). Anyway, they ended up getting in trouble while I was in the shower (tumbling on fell off & I heard it) & lost their movie. They were both crying & I thought it would make it worse.

However, by the time I got them in bed he had calmed down. The Hanavers are supposed to be here early in the morning so I told them both that Gracie might get to wake them up so they better go to sleep fast. He never cried. He asked me to lay with him, but I told him I hadn't had dinner & needed to do a few things. He asked to make a deal (this is something that Jeff started with Lilly when we moved into the house in New Salisbury to get her to sleep in her own bed). Lance has overheard her ask for it & occassionally asks us to make a deal with him. I tried this last night but it didn't work, but tonight.....IT WORKED!!!

The deal was IF you lay here & try to go to sleep without crying you can have a drumstick for breakfast!! I told him I would check on him in 10 minutes & if he hadn't fallen asleep I would lay with him. I NEVER HEARD A PEEP!!! I checked on him about 30 minutes later & he was OUT!!!

WAY TO GO LANCE YOU DID IT!!!  We are SO proud of you!!!

Looking back....

So as we got ready for Lilly's last day of preschool this morning I thought about how this is the end of a big chapter of her little life. It's been a crazy few years for her (all of us) & I think she has done so well & has matured so much. However she has also grown physically.....take a look!!
This is August 2009....her VERY first day of preschool!! Look at her chubby cheeks!! Even her hair still looks like baby hair. I don't have one from the end of her first year.

August 2010, first day in Indiana. Look how much taller she is. Her arms are so much longer!!

Both in August 2010.....look at Lance's baby face & how short he is!!

This is November 2010, first day in Alabama!

Today....May 2011....I can't explain how BIG she looks to me in this picture. Not only in size but just look at her face....such a little lady. She does have on "high heels" here, but she has still grown a lot just since we moved. Her teacher gave me a card that said in December 2010 she was 45 1/2" & now she is 47 1/4"....that's almost 2 inches just since we got here!!!

Check out Lance's hair this morning!!! In August he had just had his first real hair cut & it was short. It's really long on top right now & he brushed it last night after bath so this is what it looked like this morning! Also, notice the difference in their shoulders from August till now. She may be growing fast, but he is growing faster I think. He has caught up quite a bit since then!

I know she is ready for kindergarten. She will do great. She is such a smart girl & so ready to learn to read. I also know she is ready emotionally & socially & that was my biggest concern going into this school year. We couldn't be PROUDER of the young lady she is growing to be & I know that she is going to continue to amaze us~


Thursday, May 19, 2011

No more paci update 2

So Tuesday night was a little better. He woke up at 11:15 crying for it & I had to lay with him again. He calmed down quicker, but I couldn't get up so I ended up sleeping with him again.

Wednesday he cried when we tried to get him to nap so we again just went without. He did well again so I guess we have gotten rid of a formal nap, which is ok with  me.

Wednesday night he cried again, but calmed down much quicker. Jeff got him calmed down some, but he wanted me. I went in & sat on his floor. He calmed down but just kept saying he wanted his paci. It's the saddest thing ever. He basically talked/whined himself to sleep saying "I want my paci Mommy". It went much quicker though so that was good.

The big news is HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!! I didn't see his darling little face until 7:30 this morning!!!! So that is major progress. Maybe we are over the hump.

The funny thing about this whole thing is that he hasn't asked for it once during the day. This is the kid that anytime he would get upset or in trouble he would ask for it. He would sneak it all the time (or try to). So we have been shocked that he hasn't whined for it during the day. I am happy about this just a little surprised.

Just a sidenote.....the Hanaver/Carver clan will be in 2 days & we are all so excited we can hardly stand it!!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No more paci update

Well......last night was ROUGH. He slept till about 2:15 & when he woke up he was freaking out. He cried & cried, for about 30-45 minutes. Again with the, "I want my paci" "I can't do it, it's too hard". I finally got him calmed down & then he was just awake. I laid with him & just as he was about asleep.....Lilly wakes up. She had to potty & then she started crying wanting me. I got her calmed down & headed back to him. He fought it some, but did good just laying & trying to sleep. He eventually fell asleep & so did I. The last time I heard the time on  his radio it was about 3:30 & he wasn't asleep yet. So I figure it was about 3:45 or so before he was asleep.

However, when he woke up (I was there in bed with him because I fell asleep too) the first thing he said was, "I DID IT" (both arms up in the air). He was SO PROUD. We ran in to tell Jeff & as we laid there he said, "You were right, I could do it". He started telling Jeff he wanted "Iron". When he was crying in the night we talked about what kind of prize he would want for a reward. He said he wanted some Iron Man stuff. He has never seen it, but always goes to it when we go to a store. He also decided he wanted some Spider Man stuff!! (He ended up getting an Agent Oso car after looking for A LONG TIME).

Regardless, I thought maybe he would do better since he was so proud. So nap time comes.....nope. He cried & we just decided no nap today. No big deal as I am wanting to get rid of it anyway. He did well & honestly wasn't too cranky. However, he was exhausted by bedtime. He started off asking for it right away. I had him sit down with me in the chair & I could tell he was starting to doze so I asked him if he was ready to go lay down. He asked for it again & started to whine a lot, but not too bad.  He wanted me to lay with him so I told him I would stay with him for a bit. I patted him for a couple minutes & he was OUT.

Here's hoping tonight goes better than last!!

Fun at the park!

This afternoon we to head to the park & enjoy the sunshine. We took a couple balls to play with.....they had a BLAST!!

She brought her little pink was kinda  hard to kick!

Look how fast!!

Get it!!

Check out this take down.......she's a fighter!!

This was Lance the majority of the time.....on the ground...

Busy, to go play!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

No More Paci??

Yes, my 3+  year-old son still has his paci. He has it WAY more than Lilly did at this point. She was strictlly nap, bed & sometimes in the car. We do that for the most part, but anyone who knows Lance knows that he can throw a fit wiht the best of them, so I admit....WE CAVE A LOT!! However, at his dentist appt. the dr. told me to get rid of it & we knew we needed to. With the move & Jeff's schedule we just haven't been brave enough (I can't do it by myself). So we have been telling him that once Daddy was off work this time we were going to get rid of it. He of course thought it was a good idea at first. Then it turned into a joke & he kept telling Jeff he was gonna hide it where we couldn't find it. Then bedtime came & it was, "I want my paci" at least 100 times. He was crying & screaming, "I can't do it. I really can't do it" So he finally came out of his room & had him sat with me in the chair. I told him to calm down & watch TV with me & then we would talk about it. He of course fell asleep. I move him after about 5 minutes & he woke up a little. I put him in his bed & patted him & he stayed asleep. So we will see what happens tonight.....I really didn't want to start another bad habit (rocking him) but we can't let him scream (in the apartment) & he could go on forever. SO for now we will take it one night at a time. Hopefully he will feel a little better about it tomorrow!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another busy day!

So after Lance's nap we headed out to watch Kayla's (a friend of the kids) softball game. They had a good time cheering for her!! Then we headed to Old Navy. Mom wanted to get me a dress for Mother's Day & who am I to turn down new clothes?? Then it was time for some Chick-fil-A (this is Lilly's choice for her graduation celebration dinner!) As we were leaving noticed a bunch of cars in the parking lot of the mall. It was a car show! I decided we should have a visit! The kids LOVED it. They walked around & looked at all the cars. There were new ones, old ones & everything in between. They really wanted to get in them all, but one gentleman was nice enough to let them sit in his. It was their favorite too!! Since it was impromptu I didn't have my camera, but posted pics from my phone!! On the way home we stopped by the park to burn off some more energy! We came home for a nice bubble bath & then watched the Alvin & the Chipmunks! I kept them up late tonight.....hoping to not repeat last night. It worked...I didn't hear a peep.

Sent from my Windows Phone

Sent from my Windows Phone

Sent from my Windows Phone

Sent from my Windows Phone

Lilly's graduation!

Here are some of the videos I took, I hope they work!

Preschool Graduate!!

So my daughter is a preschool graduate....I guess that makes her a kindergartner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!

She did so GREAT! She looked so BIG up there. She sang & danced & smiled!!

They sang The Lords Prayer & when they finished they did this....How precious??

They sang "I need a vacation" this is the beginning where the teacher is telling them all the work they have to do & going on & the look on her face!!!

There she is.....

Waiting patiently for her turn!


Officially a graduate!

 Throwing their caps!
 This brings a tear to my eye....flash forward about 13 years....I can't imagine....I think it will be 2024.......can't we just stop time now??
 Family pic....poor Jeff had 2 hours of sleep before this....he should get about 3 more hours before work but still....things a Daddy does for his kids!!
 Her tassel!!

Mammaw & Lilly!!

Since they were both up late we came home for lunch & nap. I think we will go out for dinner tonight to celebrate! I took some videos, but I don't think they will load (too long) but I will try!!


Friday, May 13, 2011

It's 9:30.....guess where my kids are???

Right next to me in bed. Now this isn't a huge deal for a Friday night to be up late.....except Lilly has her graduation tomorrow which means we can't just sleep in & chill. We have to get up & get going. Lance was up last nigth with a tummy ache so he took a long nap today. About 2:30 I said something about waking him up. Jeff says to let him sleep.....I said....if you weren't working tonight you would feel different. If he takes a late nap he ALWAYS has trouble going to bed. He is in that terrible not ready to get rid of a nap, but don't always need a nap stage....we've tried to cut it out but he is SUCH A HANDFUL without it. I have no idea why she is up....maybe because he laid in his bed for an hour & hollered repeatedly???'s to a long night & an even longer tomorrow.....

Night Shift

This week is Jeff's first round on night shift. He worked last night & it went pretty well. He had stayed up late the night before & slept quite a bit yesterday so he was in pretty good shape. He came home this morning & ate then headed straight to bed. He slept about 5 & 1/2 hours so that is pretty good for him. I am sure it will catch up with him but so far so good. Loving the 4 day work week though. After tonight only two more nights & he's off for 4!!

Tomorrow is Lilly's preschool graduation.....I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I had no camera but posted a pic from today. It was one of those picture perfect days. They kids were good. We jumped waves, played football & just had a great day!! Just made the past year worth it!

Mother's Day

So I totally forgot to post about my wonderful Mother's Day. I got breakfast in bed, a shirt from the kids & a gift certificate to a massage place. After nap we went swimming for a bit then headed to dinner with my parents. All in all it was a GREAT day!! Just happy I got to spend it with my wonderful husband & amazing kids!!

We went to dinner at a restaurant on a marina. There was sand for the kids to play in so they were happy!!


This is the view we saw while we ate!

They wouldn't let me get a good picture of them!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Busy Day!!

So after Lilly's game we headed over to Home Depot for the kids workshop. We haven't done this since December (the kids have reminded me several times, but we just kept missing it). They were super happy when I surprised them with it this morning!! The funny thing is they made Mother's Day planters!! I think we decided Lilly will give hers to her teacher at school & we will keep Lance's.
Mammaw came to help, which was good because it's hard to this alone!! You can still see the sweat from her game!! She was SO HOT!!! I tell you she played hard!

Hard at work!



All done!! Just a coat of paint & it will be perfect!


After Home Depot we did a little shopping (I scored 2 medium & 4 votive yankee candles for $20!!!!) then headed to Chik-Fil-A for lunch. We had to go sign the release from for Lance's pic. The girl that took them was there & explained it isn't a catalog but any of JC Penney portrait related things (flyers, pics in studio, etc). There will be one of him up in the studio where they were taken & then from there it's up to the corporate. She said they may email me & let me know but she wasn't sure. I know it's not that big of deal, but I was just so excited. I can't wait to go back & see my handsome boy hanging on the wall!!! After all that we headed to the splash pad at the mall. We've never been to this one & I thought it would be fun. They kids had a blast!!

Look at her face!

The water was cold!! (Funny thing....Lilly has the same suit as the girl in the background)

Lance is in there somewhere!

Snack time!

This cracked me up!! It lasted about 2 minutes. She spent more time spreading the towel than actually laying on it!

We hung out with Mammaw for a little bit before heading home. They both fell asleep on the way home (Lance didn't have a nap....trying to ween him off of them......gonna be a long rode I do believe...the boy likes his naps!!!) It was a good day!!!