Friday, December 30, 2011

Baby Inventory

Guess what I did tonight? Sorted out the clothes etc that we have for Miss Lindley!! Jeff & I decided to hold off on buying things for her till we got through the holidays. So now that they are over I decided I better figure out what we need. She has a good start on clothes. She could use a few newborn outfits, but is in good shape for 0-3 months on clothes & sleepers. She doesn't have much 3-6 or up, but we have time to get that. We need some socks, bibs, burp clothes & receiving blankets which isn't too bad. It seems like we have plenty of time, but I know she will be here before we know it!! We are getting very excited!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fish tank!

Jeff finally got some time off! We get him for 4 whole days again!! Anyway, he got the fish tank setup (with some help from the kids). Now we just need some fish!!
Daddy gets it cleaned & up on the shelf.

The kids helps rinse the rock.

Good helpers!

Then we had to be slave drivers & make them carry bucket after bucket of water!

Getting there...adding plants.

Almost ready!

All ready!! Just need some fish!!

The kids are excited & can't wait to go pick out some fish!! I hope we can find some they both like that can be together!!

Christmas Day Fun!!

The kids play all day on Christmas & honestly I didn't have to entertain them much. I opened a few things & played some of their games with them, but they play alone & together a lot. I have to say at this point the top gifts are the tablets & their scooters. They LOVE them! We didn't buy any games for their tablets yet & they have played hours just with the few things that are on there!
The aftermath!!


Fun!! (I did take them outside today & they had a blast)!!

Can't say enough about this Innotabs....LOVE THEM so far!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning!

Jeff had to work again but got home around 6:45. The kids were both still asleep so he laid down for a bit but around 7:45 said we needed to get going so he could get some sleep!! So we got the kids up & the adventure began!
Basketball goal!

Holiday Barbie!

Fashion doll!



(these got out of order) Lilly's gift from Lance, a Barbie set

Lance's gift from Lilly, a race track for the bath tub!
Rescue helicopter!

Make up box!

Shark ship!

Barbie car!

Cowboy hat & gun!

Lance got one too!

Mommy & Daddy got them a fish tank! Lance said, "Where's the fish". They have asked several times when we are getting the fish. I think they will be amazed once it's all set up!!

Daddy got Wii hunting too!

Plus an Alabama polo, t-shirt & hat! He also got a new wallet! The kids helped pick it out!

I got some Bath & Body works!

Plus, two new books, earrings & an Itunes gift card!! Whohoo!!

The kids didn't tell anyone what they bought for them & they helped pick out our gifts, my parents gifts & gifts for each other. So proud of them!!

It was a different year because Jeff had to work, but it was a GREAT Christmas! The kids were so excited & happy. They play all day!! It was priceless to see their pure joy!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve!

My parents & Cam came to over for Christmas Eve and we had a great time. Although we missed Jeff (he had to work). After a yummy dinner, the kids did a performance. For those of you that don't know growing up my cousins & I always did some type of performance for our parents & grandparents on Christmas Eve. When we were younger we just sang as we got older we played our band instruments etc. It was a tradition I loved & decided it was time to restart it with out kids. They were very excited & did a great job!!
Waiting patiently for them to arrive & getting VERY excited!

Silly face!

Telling the story of the night Jesus was born with their little people nativity set.

Getting settled in the stable.

Singing away in a manager.

After the rest of the story they were going to sing several Christmas songs, but for some reason Lance didn't want to. However, Lilly sat right in that chair & sang them all by herself. I was so impressed!! She did great!

Of course gifts were what they had been waiting for.....

A while back I moved my curio cabinet & the kids were looking at all my "specials". They loved all our Zimmerman paperweights so I decided it was time they each had one. My mom was kind enough to take care of that for us. Notice Lance's is orange!! It has their name & birthday!

Lilly's is pink of course! They both found spots in their rooms for their specials!!

They were in total shock over these. We had them hide their eyes while my Dad & brother carried them funny!

Uncle Cam was pretty excited about the train table! They had fun!

This is for her "fashion dolls". It has a desk at one end, a bench in the middle, a closet on the end & a bed on top!! She can do so many things with it!! She is using the top as her own desk right now!!

Mom & Lilly looking at her new Breast Cancer ornament. Just LOVE this pic!!

Dad opening his Wii hunting game, which he LOVES!!

It was a great night!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Goodies!!

We got busy last night making candy & finished with cookies today! We did chocolate & peanut butter fudge, buckeyes, puppy chow, sugar cookies & snickerdoodles!! YUMMY!! Everything turned out good & tasted great!!
Stirring the fudge!

Such good helpers!!

 Lance decided to enjoy his snack under the table!
Creating a beautiful cookie!

 So precise!

Our cookie family....Daddy, Mommy, Lilly, Lance & Lindley. We each did our own and Lilly did Lindley's!

Aren't they lovely??

My brother & Rugby arrived this afternoon so we went over after Jeff went to work & hung out with them for a bit. Lance was all about Rugby & now wants a puppy named Rugby! He kept trying to get him to play & he was worn out. Poor Lindley doesn't stand a chance....he will be in her face all the time!!

Need to do some housework tomorrow, but other than that I am ready for Christmas!! BRING IT ON!!!