Monday, October 17, 2016

Belly Paint!!

When I was pregnant with Lindley I had the idea to let the kids paint my belly. We had talked about this time too, but hadn't gotten to it. We finally did and they kids had a blast!!

We did hand prints first....

All three hands patiently waiting for her arrival!!

Then I let each one paint their own design.

Lindley did a rainbow with a sun, clouds and grass.

Lance did Lance, some strips and wrote her name.

Lilly did a pumpkin that said "Little Pumpkin" and her initials.
I had a doctor's appointment the next day and she really wanted me to leave it on for the doctor to see. I told her I would show her a picture. 
They had fun and it's a neat memory they will have of before Lainey's arrival!

October fun!

Grandma got to join us at the libary!

We built a Lincoln Log town!

Three good dental check ups!!!

Lindley is very interested in learning and writing. She wanted to write everyone's name.

Halloween decor!1

We are going to add some caution tape!

Our first year as something scary....Night Phantom.....How is he big enough for that??

Lindley decided on a ghost! Thanks to a pillow case and Grandma's handy sewing it was the easiest costume ever!!


Kevin, Bobbie and Taylor decided to come to the beach for fall break! And Grandma decided to come on down with them and stay to help us till Lainey's arrival. The kids had school, but we pulled them out one day and Jeff took them down to visit for a bit. 

The water was rough, but they got to get in for a bit.

Burying Lance.

Lindley got cold so Kevin helped warm her up!

Happy kids!!

Happy Grandma!!!
It wasn't a long visit, but at least they got to spend some time together. It's never long enough. 

Lainey's Baby Shower

We had a jogging stroller from Lindley, but I hadn't been using it because the tires were flat. Jeff aired them up and they felt bumpy. After some discussion I caved and we just got a new stroller system. Given how much we will use the stroller it was probably the best decisions. Lindley's was on it's last leg!

Of course Daddy wanted there to be pink on it!

And of course the girls have had a blast with it!

35 weeks.

37 weeks.

38 weeks.

 My sweet friend and neighbor offered to throw me a baby shower to celebrate Lindley. We have most everything we need, but just wanted to celebrate her!!
So lucky to have such sweet friends and family!

Everything looked adorable

Sweet friends!

Alaina and Lauri, more sweet neighbors!

Trish and Momma Beth (Heather's aunt that helped with all the food and prep for my shower just because she is that sweet)!

Sweet Jenny!

Alaina monogrammed some bibs and burp clothes. Precious!

Truly lucky to have found this sweet friend. She is so sweet and has been a blessing to us!

This bouquet is from the shower. It was so beautiful. Lasted a week. I kept the roses and am going to dry them out and keep them for her!

39 weeks. Trying to walk Lainey out!! I really want to try and let her come on her own instead of inducing. So far no luck. I went ahead and scheduled an induction for the 21st (day after due date) just because I don't really want to risk her being really big! Still hoping she will pick her birthday!

September fun!

We decided that we were sitting fall baseball out this year. That left a few options for a fall activity for Lance. After some discussion we landed on swimming. This is a different team that is year round. One of his friends from summer swims for them during the year and we had some other friends starting this year too. He has practice three nights a week and meets about once a month. However, he doesn't have to do every meet. It has been an adjustment and it wears him out, but he seems to be enjoying it. He had his first meet at the end of September and did great!
He was a little nervous because he had 10 events in two days (5 each day)

There weren't many kids his age there so it was a nice way to ease into it!

One day I decided to let the girls fix my hair and do my make-up.....they had a blast!
Lilly can do a fish tail braid!

Look at her little hand on my face!

So big!

Lilly did this one.

Lindley's make up work

Lindley working on pony tails!

And then they got silly!

Lilly did this. Not too bad! 
They took turns and it kept them happy for a good while!

I went to have lunch with this sweet 5th grader one day!

Doing a finding book in the dark using a flashlight! She's really gotten in to the finding books and is pretty good at them.

The start of fall decorating!!!

This football was a gift from Tiff for Lance's baby shower. It is by far one of the most loved toys we have. I keep it up most of the time but it comes down on occasion. Lance still loves it and it's the only riding toy Lindley ever really played with until she started riding her trike.