Monday, October 17, 2016

Lainey's Baby Shower

We had a jogging stroller from Lindley, but I hadn't been using it because the tires were flat. Jeff aired them up and they felt bumpy. After some discussion I caved and we just got a new stroller system. Given how much we will use the stroller it was probably the best decisions. Lindley's was on it's last leg!

Of course Daddy wanted there to be pink on it!

And of course the girls have had a blast with it!

35 weeks.

37 weeks.

38 weeks.

 My sweet friend and neighbor offered to throw me a baby shower to celebrate Lindley. We have most everything we need, but just wanted to celebrate her!!
So lucky to have such sweet friends and family!

Everything looked adorable

Sweet friends!

Alaina and Lauri, more sweet neighbors!

Trish and Momma Beth (Heather's aunt that helped with all the food and prep for my shower just because she is that sweet)!

Sweet Jenny!

Alaina monogrammed some bibs and burp clothes. Precious!

Truly lucky to have found this sweet friend. She is so sweet and has been a blessing to us!

This bouquet is from the shower. It was so beautiful. Lasted a week. I kept the roses and am going to dry them out and keep them for her!

39 weeks. Trying to walk Lainey out!! I really want to try and let her come on her own instead of inducing. So far no luck. I went ahead and scheduled an induction for the 21st (day after due date) just because I don't really want to risk her being really big! Still hoping she will pick her birthday!

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