Monday, October 17, 2016

Belly Paint!!

When I was pregnant with Lindley I had the idea to let the kids paint my belly. We had talked about this time too, but hadn't gotten to it. We finally did and they kids had a blast!!

We did hand prints first....

All three hands patiently waiting for her arrival!!

Then I let each one paint their own design.

Lindley did a rainbow with a sun, clouds and grass.

Lance did Lance, some strips and wrote her name.

Lilly did a pumpkin that said "Little Pumpkin" and her initials.
I had a doctor's appointment the next day and she really wanted me to leave it on for the doctor to see. I told her I would show her a picture. 
They had fun and it's a neat memory they will have of before Lainey's arrival!

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