Sunday, October 16, 2016

Dog days of summer!

So all our activities were over. It was hot as heck and we still had a few weeks of summer left! Time to get creative!!

First up....The Factory. An indoor trampoline place!

Spider boy!

Look at her go!
They jumped for two hours and wore themselves out! It was a lot of fun!

Of course the Olympics helped to keep us busy. They made rings and torches again this year. Mostly on their own because well....they are that big now. 

Then because at this point I was started to run out of energy they came up with a bunch of games. They gathered the supplies and made medals. It tooks us a while to get to them, but they finally played them all!

They even took a couple of Lance's trophies to give to the top winners! So cute.

I taught Lilly how to play Rummy!

Bike car wash!

Hair cut time. Look at all that hair!

So pretty!

We hit up the park and splash pad one day. It was CRAZY hot, but they had fun!

Such a good brother!

He really wants to be a ninja warrior. So he loved this!

Cooling off!

Happy kids!

Of course we were right by Bass had to go check out the boats!

I was barely going outside at this point, but we did take a walk one evening. Lindley is pretty good on her scooter!

She is so proud of her long hair!

So obsessed with the baby bump! Can't keep her hands off of it!

My bed partner!

Lance got to go to Waterville for a friends birthday. We have never been so this was a big deal! He was so excited and had a blast!!

Silly boys!

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