Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My boy....

As we know Lance is all boy. He has had his fair share of accidents and injuries in his short 7 years. However, recently he seems to be stepping up his game....

He had his first basketball practice a couple weeks ago. He took off running without looking and collided with another kid. Luckily the result was just a swollen/bruised eye.

I took pictures to document.

It didn't really turn blue till day three.

Kinda of green/yellow.

Still handsome though.

It healed pretty quickly and he was looking as good as new.
Until this week....he was outside playing with a friend and went to an area they weren't supposed to go. He found a metal rod and tried to stick it up in a tree. It didn't work....and fell on his head. He came in with blood running down his face and scared Jeff to death. I was in a webinar and heard him, but didn't realize how bad. Jeff came in and I realized he was taking him to urgent care. I got the girls settled and finished my webinar. By the time I got done and we were heading to urgent care to check on him they were pulling back in. The result....two staples. Luckily it wasn't as bad as Jeff originally thought, but two staples isn't exactly nothing.

He is doing fine. The staples come out in a week. It gave him a pretty good scare, but I have a feeling it won't slow him down for long.

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