Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lindley Claire

Well what can I say....Lindley is something else. She is such a funny kid, like Lance, but has some of Lilly's traits too.

Just a typical day...

Playing school with her's always circle time and the kids are always misbehaving.

Being cute after a bath!

Restless...not wanting to sleep....finally gave in. I spy long legs....

Wearing her new Frozen night gown in car line because that's how she rolls!

Feeling puny this week. She had a low grade fever for less than 24 hours and was very lethargic. It passed quickly and she was fine. Guess it was a little bug.

Well...when mom wakes you from nap and forgets to make you pee in her car. doesn't have anything but a couple tissues because that's just her luck. So this was how to sat in car line....

Super girl...busy rescuing Harper and saving the day!!

She is full on three years old. She can cry because her cheese broke and doesn't like to be told no. She is funny and never stops talking. She has a BIG imagination and is really getting into playing. She loves you with everything she has....until you don't do exactly what she wants. I love watching her grow and change. I wouldn't mind if it slowed down a little...

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