Saturday, September 12, 2015

Labor Day weekend!

Lilly got invited to spend the weekend with Ella (neighbor) at her Grandparents house on the river a few hours away. We were on the fence, but Jeff was working and I really didn't have a good reason to not let her go. I trust them and Lilly loves spending time with them. She was a little nervous to be away so long, but wanted to try it.

There was an art room so they got to make some stuff.

Play some games!

Ride in the polaris!! 

And tube!!

She even jumped off the boat!!
Alaina (Ella's mom) was kind enough to send the pictures and keep my updated. I also face timed with Lilly. She had a great time!! She did get homesick once, but not bad. She was so happy to go, but did miss us all!

While she was away and Jeff was working Lance, Lindley and I managed to stay busy too!! Friday night Lance went to the high school football game with Brody and his dad. Lindley and I hung with Harper and Heather. On Saturday we got up and ran to do a little shopping for Lance. Then we hit up a couple game day parties!! I didn't get pictures at the first one. It was a friend of Lance's from baseball, Chase. The kids got to swim and we hung out for awhile.

We of course had to visit with the Nelsons again. Friendship....divided!!

Their serious faces!

Showing off his new shirt and shoes we got!!

Bass Pro FUN!!!

Oh you know...just being cute!!

Spinning the wheel for more free stuff...

A little shootiing practice!

Then a play date with Jo!!

There's the cuteness again!!

Monkey in a tree!

Playing with dirt and sticks....

Following their led!!

It was a good weekend. We missed Lilly and Jeff, but we had a lot of fun just the three of us!!

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