Monday, September 28, 2015

Lilly is 10!!!

Well believe it or not we have a 10-year-old! I honestly can't believe it. It's hitting me hard.....I just don't now how it could be??? This year was a little different since we are celebrating with a girls trip to the American Girl store. We still celebrated and had a good day.

She started her day by opening her gift from Lindley & Lance. Lindley picked out a dry erase board, a pen and a little picture from the Dollar Tree. She was so excited!!

Gift card for the American Girl store for our trip!!

Just beautiful!

This is what 10 looks like!!

I'm so excited!


Happy girl!

After a long day of school and then Lance's baseball game....we finally got to sing to this precious girl!

She couldn't get them out!

Our sweet, wonderful friends The Callahan's dropped a gift off while we were at Lance's game. Her very own copy of Little Women. Aren't they the sweetest?!!

Oh from Grandma for her trip!!

Of course her precious moments was a big hit too!

Although we didn't get her anything (her trip is her gift). Daddy couldn't resist making her something special. It's a charm bracelet. So thoughtful.

Well here we are...10 years later. I think we are doing pretty good. We have good and bad days, but all in all I'd say she's turning out ok!

Later that week....a gift card from Taylor (which she spent on a cool bulletin board/picture board for her room)

And more money from Pappaw & Julie!!
She also got money from Mammaw & Pappaw too! Girl is ready to hit up the American Girl store and do some serious shopping!!!
We had to postpone our trip a week. So we aren't leaving till Friday. We are all beyond excited and can barely stand it. Plus we have a BIG, HUGE surprise for the girls!!! I can't wait!! Stay tuned!!!

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