Sunday, April 12, 2015


So sometime toward the end of February the kids got sick. It turned into a month of on and off sickness. It seemed like at least one of them was sick every week. We had fever, vomiting, more fever and coughing. Jeff ended up with a walking pneumonia (which I still think Lance might have had, but managed to get over) and I ended up with a fever and sore throat. I am happy to report that we are all well. Luckily...even with all the sickness we were still able to celebrate birthdays without any sickness!!
Lance by far got the short end of the stick. He had vomiting and then a week later ended up with a terrible fever. This was in the urgent care. Poor kid couldn't stay awake.

He didn't have flu or strep...virus.

This one ended up being the luckiest. She ran a fever for a couple days, but was never down long.
Lilly started it all with vomiting and then she ended up with a fever too. It was seriously ridiculous and I thought it was never going to end. I can handle them all getting sick and then we move on, but this was week after week of someone not feeling well. It didn't help that it was always a virus and there was little I could do to help them. SO glad that spring is here and we are all feeling better!!!

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