Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lance's birthday

We decided to celebrate Lance's birthday at Chuck E Cheese. Due to Jeff's work schedule and baseball we had to do it a week and half early so it felt like we partied for two weeks!

This was when we hit the road. You can tell they are still was the Sunday after the time change and due to baseball we had to do an early afternoon party which meant leaving a little early. They woke up quickly though!

Having a blast!

This was a favorite!

The girls had fun too!

He is such a goober!!

He is a lucky boy to have such good friends!!

The ticket blaster!!

After we got back Mammaw gave him their gift. A remote control heliocopter....I think he liked it!

This was his actual birthday. He really wanted a 50 dollar bill. Of course Grandma Trisha took care of that!! He was still a bit asleep here.

More money from Uncle Cam!

A new rug!

Gaming chair!

Sorting his baseball cards!

Happy birthday!!

I'd say that's a happy boy!! I can't believe he is 7!! How did that happen???
Pappaw and Julie got him a Kinnex roller coaster. He went right to work.

He sorted and followed the manual with very little help from me.

After only a few days he had it all done!!! It is very cool!!

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