Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dining table redo!

We need a new dining room table. Ours doesn't fit us all. Every time we all eat together we have to pull a chair up and squeeze in. We aren't really in a place to spend a fortune on a new table. (I would want one to seat 8). Plus....I really like our table. It was mine when I was kid and it's still in great shape. A while back I did a little research about how to make a leaf for a table. I was nervous to try it and let it go. With the holidays coming up I decided I wanted to try it! Lance and I measured and I went and got the boards. Jeff glued them together and drilled the holes for the dowels....

The result....a table that will seat us all!! The kids REALLY wanted to move it to the dining room To quote Lance "I want to eat in the actual dining room for once". It was pretty tight in the kitchen area so we decided to give it a try.

I bought some table linens when I bought the new chairs. I am SO HAPPY with the results. It was easy and cheap, but looks great!

Bonus....for some reason playing in the kitchen area is WAAY better than the dining room. They have claimed it as their playroom and love it. (It's smaller, but has a fish tank. Other than that it's the same.) Not sure why they find it so fun, but I'll take it!

We got a bulletin board for their artwork. The ottoman will go back in the living room after Christmas, but they are liking it in there for now.

Just us!

This picture is from the fair. They have a professional come in and then email it to Jeff. Not a bad looking group!

Blowing bubbles...

Popping bubbles.

It's hard to see, but Lindley wrote her name!! She did really good! She's making a lot of progress with letters!

Too much cuteness for one picture!! Modeling their shirts.

She really likes this spot. Lilly was at Mom's, Lance was at a friends. I was working and she was watching a movie. She didn't last long!

The next morning...three tired kids and we have Christmas shopping to do. So I sugar them up!!

I printed out a Thanksgiving packet for the kids. Lindley did a great job and didn't need much help at all!

She is pretty good at cutting.

Such focus!

The Nelson's got to hang out with us one evening. They were all so good. I got them settled for a movie and they all just relaxed and watched.

No nap = passed out at 7:30.....with the big kids home she thinks she can keep up with them. She doesn't want to nap. However, she can't quite make it to bed time!

My boy....

As we know Lance is all boy. He has had his fair share of accidents and injuries in his short 7 years. However, recently he seems to be stepping up his game....

He had his first basketball practice a couple weeks ago. He took off running without looking and collided with another kid. Luckily the result was just a swollen/bruised eye.

I took pictures to document.

It didn't really turn blue till day three.

Kinda of green/yellow.

Still handsome though.

It healed pretty quickly and he was looking as good as new.
Until this week....he was outside playing with a friend and went to an area they weren't supposed to go. He found a metal rod and tried to stick it up in a tree. It didn't work....and fell on his head. He came in with blood running down his face and scared Jeff to death. I was in a webinar and heard him, but didn't realize how bad. Jeff came in and I realized he was taking him to urgent care. I got the girls settled and finished my webinar. By the time I got done and we were heading to urgent care to check on him they were pulling back in. The result....two staples. Luckily it wasn't as bad as Jeff originally thought, but two staples isn't exactly nothing.

He is doing fine. The staples come out in a week. It gave him a pretty good scare, but I have a feeling it won't slow him down for long.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

We got a jump start on decorating this year!
Busy elves!

So careful!

They did a great job!

He was so happy to be the first to find the pickle!!

Veteran's Day Program

Our little guy got to be Abe Lincoln for the Veteran's day program. He did great and we were so proud of him!!

He walked right up and said his lines with no problem!! LOVE HIM!!

This is his class....he had to stand next to them.

Taking his bow!
I almost cried on every song and at the end I about lost it. Something about kids singing gets me!

We checked Lilly out to come see it and decided to spend the afternoon together!

Movie time!!

Patiently waiting!!

Hello November!!

HOLY COW!! It's November! This year is flying!! We've been busy and looking forward to Thanksgiving break!
MY GOODNESS!! Isn't he the most handsome boy ever!! I didn't order any because I am due to get their pictures all together, but I just had to snap a picture of it. He looks so big!

Safety first!! More carline fun!

This girl was exhausted one night for Lance's game and couldn't take it!!

Lance made the 25 point club before the first cut off! He only did it because he wanted the shirt and still fights us to read, but is doing great!!

So my kids (all of them) are now HUGE wrestling fans (note Lance's Halloween costume). Of course....things can get a little crazy after watching it!

This little thinks she is as big as them and plays right in the middle of them!

Both kids had a field trip to see The Lion King play at the same time on the same day!! WHAT?! It's a miracle!! We got to enjoy the show together!! Love it when things are easy for Momma!

Another shirt by Daddy! She LOVES IT!

My (not so) tiny dancer. I usually just drop her off and a friend brings her home. I hung out for a while one night to see how it was going. Just caught a little bit of ballet warm ups. Lookin' good!

This little girl wanted a "big puffy dress" for Christmas. I looked online and found some I thought would work, but I just kept thinking about my wedding dress. I talked to Jeff and we agreed there was no reason she couldn't play in it. I got in the attic and got it down and had one VERY happy girl! I actually just threw it in the washing machine on gentle  and the stains look better.

She was just laying in it watching TV. Precious. She wore it all day!

OH MY.....I can't even....time slow down....