Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Girls Trip!

I had a training scheduled in Columbus, Ohio and decided to try and make a girls weekend happen with Leah and Jess. It has been over three years since we spent time together!! Luckily, they were able to meet me in Cincinnati and we had a nice time!

This was the last time we were together...right before I got pregnant with Lindley.

Pretty clouds on my flight.

Leah was traveling for work so she flew into Columbus on Friday afternoon and I picked her up then we drove to meet Jess in Cinci!

We made it!! (Excuse my terrible worn out face...it had been a long day)

Feeling a bit refreshed and ready for some dinner!!

Just supporting my family (Mom, Trish & Kacki)....lol

Some things never change...twirling her hair!
After dinner we chilled in the hotel and enjoyed some much needed catching up!
Saturday morning we went to breakfast and then to the GAP clearance store! Leah had to leave that afternoon. (been traveling all week).

It was a short time with her, but at least we got to catch up!!

Marci (Leah's daughter) and her husband drove down (they were going to the aquarium). She had to take a picture too.

After Leah left we chilled for awhile. (Leah got us up WAAAY to early). Then we went to get pedicures and have some dinner.

It was amazing!

Pretty toes!!!

Jeff and the kids were good and got some ice cream!! YUMMY
Again we just chilled after dinner, but it was so nice to just hangout. It had been too long. I flew at Sunday morning. It was fast, but so much fun!!

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