Sunday, October 26, 2014

Family Time....FINALLY!!

Things have been busy and hectic lately to say the least. Often when Jeff is off I'm working or the other way around. Plus, practices for the two big ones. The end of this week things finally seemed to calm down a bit and we soaked up as much as we could!

On Wednesday we came home from school and didn't have anywhere else to go for the rest of the evening!!! We enjoyed bubbles, chalk and short visit with the Nelson's!

Drawing our house.

Friday night Mom took Lilly shopping and the rest of us just chilled at home. These two peas in a pod were saving Jeff and I from zombies and bad guys!

Monkey see, monkey do!!
We thought Jeff was going to have to work Saturday, but luckily he didn't. We got to enjoy and entire weekend together as a family! On Saturday we headed to 5 Rivers for their Halloween Celebration. It's a nature center down on the bay. They have crafts, games, hay ride and you can pay for a boat ride. It's very laid back and not too busy, but lots of fun!
She look pretty happy to be getting eating by a bat!

My little crafter....Heather and the kids went with us and Brody is not a fan of crafting. Lance usually is, but I think he was following Brody's lead. So I felt like I was rushing her cause they were not interested. She always takes her time and does such a good job on any task she is given.

Lance did decide to make a mask...Lindley was in heaven with scissors and wanted to try every color.

Oh no... a monster!!

Three little pumpkins sitting on a fence....

Jeff took the boys out to the dunk tank while Lilly finishes a craft. They perked up after that!

Hay ride!!

Bean bag toss!

Mini golf!

What a crew!!

Last year I didn't do the boat ride because I was by myself, but this year we did it! It was just 30 minutes which was perfect!

This is 5 Rivers from the water.



This girl....she melts my heart (& makes me crazy), but she's growing too fast!!

Alabama really is very interesting. We learned a lot!
Having fun!!
After 5 Rivers we headed to Bass Pro. Jeff wanted to look around and they do Halloween activities. We did a scavenger hunt and got our picture taken.
You can tell they are wearing down!

This little thing feel asleep on the way home and we had to wake her up for dinner!

After an early dinner and good rest the kids and I headed to Target. The kids need some school pants and I just wanted to look around. I ended up finding Lance several things on clearance and picked them both up a pair of school pants. This week is red ribbon week at school and one day is pajama day. Most of Lilly's pjs are too small/short or she just sleeps in shorts and a tee. She asked if they could get some new pj's so I agreed. Of course I grabbed Lindley a little outfit too. However, she thought they were pj's and cried when I told her she couldn't wear them (Lance was wearing his new ones). Once I figured out that she thought they were pj's I let her wear them...she was much happier!

As I was putting the new Bass Pro picture in my Halloween frame I got to looking at the others that were in there...we have gone the past four years.


I can't get this one to turn...2011 a year after we moved to Alabama.

2012...Look at Lance's hair and Lindley chubby cheeks!

2013...I feel like they grew so much in that year!!
Sunday we chilled around the house and the kids enjoyed playing outside. I had worked all day on Thursday to get my house clean so I didn't have to worry about that. I did get groceries and wash bedding, but overall it was very relaxing!
Back to reality tomorrow!


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