Wednesday, July 2, 2014


The Hanavers celebrated their 10 year anniversary last week on Sanibel Island and renewed their wedding vows. I so badly wanted to go and be there with them, but we just couldn't make it work. As they hit the road to go home Tiff and I were texting. Of course I told her to just take a detour our way....and she thought about it and talked to Jay. They decided to go for it! Neither one of us told our kids....

Of course Grace figured it out, but not until they pulled in the subdivision. The kids were expecting my mom for dinner so when Jeff told them someone was at the door they didn't think anything of it. We told them no it wasn't. I told Lilly to go open the door.

She was in shock!! She really didn't know what to do!

They quickly grabbed each other and started running to their rooms!!

You can see pure JOY on their faces!!

They love to jump!

So sweet!

The girls put on a fashion show!

Look how grown up they are!

Max usually doesn't get far from Lance's room.

Some type of animal parade?

Silly kids!
No they didn't all sleep here...someday, but at least we can pretend!

Aw...the rare quite moments in the morning before they really wake up....

That's a full couch!


The only picture of us!! At least we got one this time!!
I can't thank them enough for going out of their (3 hours) just to spend an evening with us. The kids had a blast and so did I!! THANK YOU!!

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