Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday afternoon...

We were planning on going to the movie at the library on Monday, but when it came time to go Lindley was still sleeping and the other two were busy playing so we skipped it. A bit later we decided we needed to get out for a bit. They decided the park was a good idea....saying "we haven't been to the park in a long time". I stated, "it's the middle of summer, it's hot". Anyway, we decided to go do the school playground (our community park is getting a total makeover and won't be done till next month). I went knowing they would last about 10 minutes and then want ice cream.....

They did have fun..

Miss big stuff!

Told me to "go away". She wanted to do it.

Monkey see, Monkey do....



I was right in case you were wondering....after about 15 minutes Lilly was saying she was hot. Lance wanted a drink....and then...."can we go to Mr. Gene's Beans"???

Good thing I a plan!! :-)

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