Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Porch make-over...

So normally I am not a big spender...I will pick up things here and there but not chunks of money. Jeff is the opposite...he doesn't spend often but when he does it's big. Well, we had our budget set for the year and the things we wanted to do (paint bedrooms, landscaping, anniversary trip, etc). Well, I threw a big curve ball in that!

Jeff loves to sit on porch in the evenings and watch tv. I enjoy being out there, but it wasn't really comfortable. The kids and I spent a few evenings out there and I got to thinking.....

Wouldn't it be nice if we had some comfy furniture and carpet? Anyway, the itch wouldn't go away. Of course once I mentioned it to Jeff we were in trouble cause we both wanted it! So we looked at our budget and decided to move some things around and go ahead and do it!! I am so proud....we got pictures of the whole process!!

So Jeff really wanted to do something about the bottom screens. They were gross and rain comes in and gets everything wet. I don't know what made him think about it, but he came up with using outdoor fabric.

It looks great!! (& works great...we had a bunch of rain today and it's mostly dry)!!!

Carpet down......
One HEAVY box.....two chairs, one sofa & a table....


I'm pretty sure Lance thinks we did it just for him.....
Seriously the best money we've spent in a long time (except Disney)

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