Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Indiana trip

Auntie Kay passed away and we felt like we needed to be there to say goodbye so we headed to Indiana for a few days. The kids were just mostly excited to see everyone.

On the road!

I love her!!

Brother was doing this so he could see his kindle....monkey see, monkey do!

We went to visit Pappaw at work!

They had a blast! He showed them a little about what he does and gave them some goodies!! SO COOL!

Super Lindley taking flight!

We surprised Grace and went with Tiff to pick her up on Thursday. She was so excited and happy she cried! It was precious!

Sweet girls!

So happy to see each other!

Just a little girl talk!

Now that's trouble!!!

What a good looking group!

I guess only Lindley and Lance can make funny faces!

That's one happy Grandma!!!

Taking a break!

Monkey in the middle!

So fun!


My littlest monkey!



We had an emotional and exhausting trip, but it was good to see those that we did. There's never enough time and the rain screwed up Saturday afternoon for us. My Auntie Kay was an AMAZING women and we were truly blessed to have her in our life. She will be dearly missed, but I know she is in a better place now.

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