Sunday, June 2, 2013

Work trip

I left for my work trip on Monday afternoon and got in Friday evening. Overall, it wasn't a bad trip (more on that later), but it got a rough start. My flight out of Mobile was delayed which meant I was going to have minutes to make my flight in Charlotte. I decided to give it a shot. I literally RAN through the Charlotte airport. When I got to my gate the plane door was closed and when the agent called they weren't going to open it. However, the jetway wouldn't come back so she had to walk down. She wouldn't take me with her, but a guy at the next gate asked what was going on. When I told him he said, "come on" and basically let me go. They opened the door and I got on!! The bummer was that my luggage didn't make it. However, that was ok because I only flew in Monday night so I could sleep in Tues & not rush. We didn't start until 1pm. My luggage arrived at noon! I slept in, grabbed some breakfast and then showered. By the time I got done I had my clean clothes and was able to get ready before we started!! YAY!!

So....on to the good part of my trip. On Wednesday they gave us all ipad mini's!! FUN!! Of course, it will have to be used for work, but still fun!!

Wednesday was also mine and Jeff's 9 year anniversary!! CRAZY I know. Anyway, he had flowers delivered to my room!! They were so beautiful. I was able to get them home! I looked funny carrying roses through the airports, but I didn't care!!

The other awesome surprise was on Thursday afternoon we went to Islands of Adventure. (We were in Orlando and Islands is part of Universal). Anyway,  they gave us a scavenger hunt and we did that in teams and then got to ride some rides! It was so much fun!!

This is in Seussville

So fun!!

This is Hogwarts. Jeff was so mad cause he wants to ride this so bad. He wanted to come with me on this trip, but we decided it was too much (we are planning on Disney in December). Anyway, it was VERY cool!

Overall, it wasn't a bad trip. I was bummed to miss our anniversary and of course I missed my kids. Happy to be home!!

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