Thursday, June 13, 2013

15 months old!!

Lindley is officially 15 months old!! She is BUSY!!!

She can climb on Lilly's bed, our bed, the couch, her rocking doggie, the chair, the kitchen chairs...pretty much anywhere she wants!!
Here are some videos of what she has been up to!!
She had her 15 month check-up today. She weighs 18lbs and is 30 inches long. That puts her in about the 37% for her height and below 3% for her weight. The doctor is not overly concerned about her weight but does want to keep an eye on it. We have to have blood work done to make sure there are no deficiencies and have her weight checked in 4 weeks. The doctor doesn't want us to do anything different with her diet just continue to encourage her to eat good fats (milk, cheese etc). She is eating pretty good, but is so active (clearly you see that) she just doesn't have any extra meat on her bones. She is starting to talk more. She says ball, juice, shoe, mommy, dad and lots of other stuff we don't understand!!
I can't believe that she is 15 months old already! Time is flying!  

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