Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lance's first swim meet!

The kids had another swim meet on Thursday. Lance agreed to do it if he only did the "front stroke". LOL. He didn't like waiting (he was in almost the last event) and cried when he had to go line up. He doesn't like the crowds of kids. Jeff went over and stayed with him until his heat and he did great!

Ready to go!!

He was 3rd in his heat with a time of 42.44. He was 13th in his age group out of 20 I think. Not too bad for his first time!!

Lilly did great again! She shaved two seconds off her backstroke with a time of 30.64 and got 3rd in her heat and 19th for her age group. This meet was against three other teams so that's pretty good!

She was a bit slower on her freestyle with a time of 31.73 but still came in the 3rd in her heat and 22nd for her age group. She actually swam in the wrong heat. Someone told her to move up and she went one heat early. Overall, we were pleased!!

This week is a long meet (50 meters) so I am not sure if Lance will be doing it. I think Lilly will though.

So glad they are doing well and enjoying it!!

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