Monday, June 24, 2013

Lindley sings....

So Lindley doesn't holler for Jeff very often or even say "Daddy" a lot. However, she does sing for him ALL THE TIME!!! She cracks me up! She will walk around and do this for a while and then just stops. I have tried to catch it several times and finally did get a bit today after several "cheese" looks.

LOVE her!!

Big Daddy's and Ice Cream Sundaes

We decided to work on our Summer bucket list this weekend. Jeff picked and we went to Big Daddy's for dinner then came home and made ice cream sundaes!! It was LOTS of fun!!

Check out his new hair cut! Aren't they precious!!

Sweet girl!

Lilly and Jeff were sporting their Bama gear!

Lance stayed busy in the sand. Although they saw a snack and it freaked them out!

Daddy and his girls!

Look at those toppings!! He is serious!


All done and ready to enjoy!


Lindley enjoyed some as well!

Because a post wouldn't be complete without a cheese!!!
We have been marking a few things off our list each week! Hopefully we can keep at it!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Tonight was Lilly's first long course swim meet. That means she swam 50 meters instead of 25. (6 and under couldn't do it). She didn't want to do it and we kinda forced her because we wanted her to have the experience. She is loving swim but is afraid of not being the best. We have told her that we just want her to do her best and that is all.

She did great! Today in practice she did good but was taking a break after the first lap. I told her that was fine if she needed to that. and see....

I WAS SO PROUD!! She was beaming (after she caught her breath). She was glad she did it! 

Birthday Fun!

Wednesday was my birthday and we had a BIG day! Jeff had to work so I kinda planned to stay busy so I didn't get sad he couldn't join us. After swim practice we stayed and swam till about 1. Then we headed to the library for the summer reading show. This week it was a singer/songwriter that sang silly songs her wrote. We all enjoyed it! We came home and rested and sent Jeff off to work. Then we went and picked up my birthday freebies for dinner. Headed to the bay to eat and play. Then went to get free ice cream and free movies. We ended the night chilling and watching the movie. Overall it was a GREAT day!!

She asked me to take some pictures of her. She is turning in to quite a little diva. However.....just look at that face. I honestly can't believe the natural beauty this girl has.

Of course....the boy had other plans....!! LOVE HIM!

Got some pics with my loves!! Such a lucky momma to call them mine!!
It was a great day! We missed Jeff, but managed to have fun!

Water fun!

It's been HOT lately! So pretty much unless we are inside we are near water. Monday we went to the Splash pad, Tuesday we swam in our little pool and Wednesday we swam at the big pool!

Fun times!!

I got to relax and enjoy some sun!

I  had some copy cats join me!

Diving for rings!!

It's that time of year where all we can do is enjoy the sun and water!! They never get tired of it!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lance's first swim meet!

The kids had another swim meet on Thursday. Lance agreed to do it if he only did the "front stroke". LOL. He didn't like waiting (he was in almost the last event) and cried when he had to go line up. He doesn't like the crowds of kids. Jeff went over and stayed with him until his heat and he did great!

Ready to go!!

He was 3rd in his heat with a time of 42.44. He was 13th in his age group out of 20 I think. Not too bad for his first time!!

Lilly did great again! She shaved two seconds off her backstroke with a time of 30.64 and got 3rd in her heat and 19th for her age group. This meet was against three other teams so that's pretty good!

She was a bit slower on her freestyle with a time of 31.73 but still came in the 3rd in her heat and 22nd for her age group. She actually swam in the wrong heat. Someone told her to move up and she went one heat early. Overall, we were pleased!!

This week is a long meet (50 meters) so I am not sure if Lance will be doing it. I think Lilly will though.

So glad they are doing well and enjoying it!!

Happy Father's Day!

Jeff was actually off for Father's day!!

Happy, Happy, Happy Father's day!! We saw this at Bass Pro and couldn't resist!!

Checking out his new Smoker/grill

Here's the paid funny! They both "helped" to earn some $$!

Working hard for the money.....

All done and fired up!! He did chicken quarters tonight and there were good!!
Happy Father's day to a wonderful husband and father!! WE LOVE YOU!!
Happy Father's Day to a great father and father in-law!! We love you!!

Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival

Saturday night we went to the hot air balloon festival. We had nice time!! There were around 30 balloons or so!!

Checking out the old tractors

He was in heaven.

Some giant bowling.

Balloon sword.

Lilly got a balloon bracelet. That sun was bright!

Fun times!

They had a balloon on the side blown up so you could go play in it! VERY COOL! The kids loved it!

She's clapping for herself because she threw the ball!
We had a great time! The balloons were so pretty and the kids were amazed!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

15 months old!!

Lindley is officially 15 months old!! She is BUSY!!!

She can climb on Lilly's bed, our bed, the couch, her rocking doggie, the chair, the kitchen chairs...pretty much anywhere she wants!!
Here are some videos of what she has been up to!!
She had her 15 month check-up today. She weighs 18lbs and is 30 inches long. That puts her in about the 37% for her height and below 3% for her weight. The doctor is not overly concerned about her weight but does want to keep an eye on it. We have to have blood work done to make sure there are no deficiencies and have her weight checked in 4 weeks. The doctor doesn't want us to do anything different with her diet just continue to encourage her to eat good fats (milk, cheese etc). She is eating pretty good, but is so active (clearly you see that) she just doesn't have any extra meat on her bones. She is starting to talk more. She says ball, juice, shoe, mommy, dad and lots of other stuff we don't understand!!
I can't believe that she is 15 months old already! Time is flying!  

What we've been up to!

We've been staying pretty busy around here, but it's been mostly fun!!
 So....all these loaded sideways and I have no idea why...turn your head. SORRY!

Lindley and Lance playing...he is so sweet with her.

Look her little hand on his shoulder!!

It is officially summer and HOT! We spent the afternoon one day playing in the water. They got a package from Grandma Trisha with some outside toys and played with them too! SO FUN!

Lance pulled a tooth!! We were laying in bed one morning and he told me it hurt.

Next thing I know he pulled it!

Lilly did my workout with me one day. She did great, completed the whole 45 minute workout!

We had a birthday party at Kangarooz for one of Lance's friends. Everyone had a great time!

Micah, Aidan and Lance, the three amigos!

Her first oreo. She literally pulled it apart, licked the center and gave it back to me. How did she know to do that??

We went to Bass Pro one afternoon. Of course the boats were a big hit!

Happy, Happy, Happy!

Someone was worn out!!

Movie night in our bed! Or course Lindley thought she was big stuff!

Spent the afternoon laying by the pool one day. Lilly working on her tan!

.....I'm beginning to see a pattern here!

Look will see sour cream on her forehead and nose. She literally licked her plate clean!!

After a big day she was wiped out!! She uses her elephant as a pillow, so cute!
Wow, we've been busy!!