Saturday, December 22, 2012

Funny eater?

Lindley is our most picky eater. The other two ate pretty much anything, especially Lance. Lindley likes to take her time and is somewhat challenging. I stopped nursing a few weeks ago in an effort to get her to sleep through the night, which has work. However, bottles have to be warm and some food does as well. The other two never really cared. She is in stage 3 food, but isn't liking the texture. So we decided to try some table food because she does like to self feed.......

Excited about this idea??

Hmm....this is good?

Maybe not??

Let's try a fork...

Fun to play with....


This is what we get when we put food in her mouth......little turd.

So weird....

You can put it back in and she will eventually swallow it....
Of course the smallest one is the picky eater, which just drives me nuts. I never feel like she eats enough. I know as long as she's happy and growing I shouldn't worry. Silly little thing!

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