Friday, December 14, 2012

~9 months~

Lindley turned 9 months old on Wednesday! Time is flying. She weighs 17 lbs and is 28 inches long. She is moving around quite well and has started pushing things around while stand. I convinced Jeff to give her one of her Christmas presents tonight so she could have a toy to push around!

Isn't she lovely??

I can't get enough!

She loves this new toy from Ally! Saying HEY and dancing to some music!
It's so fun to watch her play and grow. The kids are SO protective of her to the point it drives us crazy. She is starting to find her way around the house and will go in the other room on her own now. She says, momma, dadda, hi, bye. Not always on cue, but can say them. We continue to get constant comments on how pretty she is. People just stop and tell you how cute she is. I get told she looks like a doll on a regular basis. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful addition to the family. She definitely has made things more interesting!

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