Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gladiators in action!!

Saturday after Lilly's game we went down to the Art & Bird Fest in Fairhope. We went last year and had a lot of fun. This year didn't seem to have as much, but they still had fun.
My hero!!

This was free, but they only let two kids in at a time for 5 minutes....we waited FOREVER!! My kids were the ONLY kids I observed to actually do it the right way. They climbed up there and attepted to knock each other off. They mostly just fell over!!

Get her Lance!
We went and watched the Raptor show again and got to see some Owls and a bald eagle. Good times!!

I would like to mention that Jeff has had to work the past two Saturday and just the kids and I went out to these festival. Before going to the Jubilee festival we talked a lot about how they need to behave and even came up with a code phrase (party pooper) for when they needed to stop their behavior try again. I am happy to report that I only had to use it once or twice each time. They stayed with me and were patient and well-behaved. Maybe they are getting it after all!

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