Thursday, October 11, 2012

Check ups

I am WAY behind on this....we took the girls together for their check-ups (6 months & 7 years) about two weeks ago. They are both doing GREAT!!!

Lilly is 50 inches (so right about 4 feet) and weighs 60lbs. These are both above average for her age. She ended up having to get a shot, which I hadn't prepared her for. Of course she cried harder about getting the shot then the actual shot! Silly girl.

Lindley is 27 inches and weighs 15lbs. She is in the 79% for her height and 20% for weight. Meaning she is longer than most kids her age, but skinnier!! I've been calling her my string bean. She had to get 4 shots. Poor girl :-(

We talked to the doctor about Lindley's ribs/chest. We have been talking and decided that we wanted to go ahead and have someone else look at it to see if they can explain to us exactly why they didn't develop and if they have any idea how/if they will develop as she grows. She referred us to a pediatric general surgeon. Her appointment is next week. I am not super optimistic that they will be able to tell us anything, but it's worth giving it a shot. I know she's healthy and it's only a cosmetic thing, but I would like to have a better understanding of what caused it etc.

It was a long visit (1 1/2 hours) but we got them done and they are happy and healthy!!

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