Monday, April 30, 2012

Professional Pics

I never got Lilly or Lance's bday pics taken because I thought I would just take them once Lindley was born since they both had school pics. Well, before I knew it Lindley was 7 weeks. So yesterday on a whim I decided I needed to get them done. We were there for 2 1/2 hours and they kids were angels!! They sat and waited very patiently and then when it was time for pics they did exactly what she asked and then waited when it wasn't their turn. There were SO many good pics, it was hard to choose. However, my goal was a good one of all 3, a bday pic for Lilly and Lance and a couple of Lindley. Mission accomplished!! This isn't even all of them and I didn't get but a few poses. However, you can enjoy looking through them!!

This is the money shot!!! I can't believe she got them all smiling. Don't worry I have plenty for everyone!!

This is the bday pic I got of him.

Lilly's bday pic.

This one reminds me of one of Lilly's from her first pics. She is looking more like her everyday.

Seriously couldn't have asked for a better experience. I can't get over how naturally beautiful my children are. I know that I am partial, but they really are. I can't stop looking at these pictures!! LOVE MY KIDS!!!

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