Monday, April 16, 2012

~Lindley @1 month~

Lindley had her 1 month check-up today.
-She weighs 9lbs. 110z
-Smiling A LOT!!
-I think she is going to explode before she giggles. I can't wait to hear it.
-Lilly and Lance LOVE when she smiles at them, which she does often.
-She really likes them and I can tell she is going to be spoiled rotten by them!!
-She really likes to play patty-cake and when you make a clicking sound with your tongue!!
-She is starting to really kick her legs and move her arms. She doens't know what she's doing yet, but she get them going!!
-She is starting to make coo sounds.
-She doesn't take a paci. We have only gottten her to take one a handful of times, but she will suck her own's hilarious. (check video below)
-In general she is has been and continues to be an easy baby. The evenings between 8-11 are often rough, but once she is down I usually get 4-5 hours so I try not to complain.

Isn't she pretty in yellow? Her eyes crack me up in the last one...I hate when she does that!!

Here's a video of her sucking her tongue!

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