Monday, April 30, 2012

Professional Pics

I never got Lilly or Lance's bday pics taken because I thought I would just take them once Lindley was born since they both had school pics. Well, before I knew it Lindley was 7 weeks. So yesterday on a whim I decided I needed to get them done. We were there for 2 1/2 hours and they kids were angels!! They sat and waited very patiently and then when it was time for pics they did exactly what she asked and then waited when it wasn't their turn. There were SO many good pics, it was hard to choose. However, my goal was a good one of all 3, a bday pic for Lilly and Lance and a couple of Lindley. Mission accomplished!! This isn't even all of them and I didn't get but a few poses. However, you can enjoy looking through them!!

This is the money shot!!! I can't believe she got them all smiling. Don't worry I have plenty for everyone!!

This is the bday pic I got of him.

Lilly's bday pic.

This one reminds me of one of Lilly's from her first pics. She is looking more like her everyday.

Seriously couldn't have asked for a better experience. I can't get over how naturally beautiful my children are. I know that I am partial, but they really are. I can't stop looking at these pictures!! LOVE MY KIDS!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lance's first playdate!

On Friday Lilly got invited to go home w/a friend from school. She also went to a friend's house last weekend so needless to say Lance was getting pretty jealous. I finally broke down and let him have a friend over. I brought Aidan home from school on Friday and they played for about an hour and a half here, then we went to the park for about a half hour before we took him home.
Watering the plants....

Washing my car....

Chasing each other!!


Ice cream

This is Lance showing Aidan how to fill the water got out of order

All in all it was a success. It started a little slow, but that didn't last long. Then they started getting bored that's why we headed to the park. However, they both seemed to have fun and were WORN out!!


My brother sent Lindley a bumbo chair!! I was so excited!!
Look how big! Thanks Uncle Cam!!

A little sister playtime!

She likes to play w/her when she thinks no one is listening. she is very sweet w/her!

ABC cookies

Lance finished learning his ABC's at school and they had an ABC party. I signed up to bring cookies and got a creative wild hair to make ABC cookies. My hunted down the cookie cutters for me! Lance had to help. We cut out the first letter of each student in his class and then did ABC. Then I iced them and spelled out their names on them. I meant to take a pic and I forgot. I will try to get one from his teacher. They turned out pretty decent.
So careful

This is the point I handed the camera over to Lilly. How cute is that??

This is a really good pic!

I think this is the point Lilly handed the camera to Lance....

He kept taking pics of the cookies...not realizing we couldn't really see them!

This ones good!

He is funny....this is through the windown looking out on the patio!


There were about 6-8 other pics. One of his room, one of Lindley's room and other random. This one cracks me up....

Funny kids!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's been awhile!

So I'm not sure what happened to the past week. I was busy with work and Jeff worked all weekend. I cleaned the house on Sat. and Sun we just played and enjoyed the day. My camera card was full so I couldn't get many pictures. I do have a few of Ms. Lindley ....
Napping in her swing

Tummy Time! She tolerates it pretty well. Look how strong holding her head up!

Seriously....isn't this ADORABLE....if she doesn't giggle soon she is gonna explode!

Of course...a little playtime :)

Monday, April 16, 2012


Lilly got a hula hoop for Easter and is getting quite good. She did really good before I got the camera, then got frustrated because she kept messing up. However, I was able to catch a short clip!!

Also, she decided to try on the baby carrier....
She almost had it right, but didn't want me to take a picture!!

Play time!!

Lindley is starting to really enjoy being in her bouncy seat and looking around. She gets her legs going and enjoys the music and fish.

~Lindley @1 month~

Lindley had her 1 month check-up today.
-She weighs 9lbs. 110z
-Smiling A LOT!!
-I think she is going to explode before she giggles. I can't wait to hear it.
-Lilly and Lance LOVE when she smiles at them, which she does often.
-She really likes them and I can tell she is going to be spoiled rotten by them!!
-She really likes to play patty-cake and when you make a clicking sound with your tongue!!
-She is starting to really kick her legs and move her arms. She doens't know what she's doing yet, but she get them going!!
-She is starting to make coo sounds.
-She doesn't take a paci. We have only gottten her to take one a handful of times, but she will suck her own's hilarious. (check video below)
-In general she is has been and continues to be an easy baby. The evenings between 8-11 are often rough, but once she is down I usually get 4-5 hours so I try not to complain.

Isn't she pretty in yellow? Her eyes crack me up in the last one...I hate when she does that!!

Here's a video of her sucking her tongue!

Mommy's helper!

Twice last week Lance unloaded and loaded the dish washer for me while I was cooking dinner. He was so proud and it was a great help to me!

This is him loading it....I cracked up!! He almost fell in!

I had to go back and rearrange a few things, but he did pretty good!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Miss Lindley was a lump this afternoon....literally
So sweet!

She was sleeping good!

He moved her and she was still OUT!!