Friday, December 28, 2012

BIG fun!

The kids were so good and didn't ask about their trampoline or basketball goal all day on Christmas day. They were so excited when Jeff got started on the trampoline Wednesday. It took him quite awhile, but they were so patient.

I think it was worth the wait!

So happy!!

Endless hours of fun!

Look at their faces...priceless!
Jeff started the basketball goal on Wednesday evening and had it pretty much together. We finished it up Thursday and morning and had one VERY happy boy!

We have it lowered till he gets used to it, but plan to raise it some. It took him a few tries, but I am pretty sure this is his FIRST basket on his basketball goal. The first of MANY!!

Another one!!

Getting some lessons from Daddy...


Lilly's got quite the jump shot

I heard Lance say, "Dad you wanna play a real game?" Jeff said, "what do you mean?" He said, "you take it and I'll try to get it away". Jeff said, "ok". This is Lilly and Lance trying to get it away. So sweet!!
Thursday I went out and jumped with the kids for awhile. I behaved myself and only jumped. They convinced Jeff to come out. I was clear in my instructions. NO FLIPPING! The kids were already doing forward flips, but didn't need any ideas. Of course Jeff had to show them his tricks! Luckily there were no injuries. When Lindley got up from her nap we went to see them. She has been waiting them through the door and window. She was so excited we had to let her try! 

 I LOVE this picture. All three of them have great expressions on their faces!

So fun! She thought she was big stuff!
I'm so glad Santa brought them such family oriented gifts. I know we will have so much fun together on both of them!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


New chairs!

I forgot to post pics of the kids chairs. Lindley & Lance got new chairs from Uncle Cam & my parents. Lilly got her American girl doll.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Well we had our first eventful Christmas Eve. It took Lilly a long to go to sleep and then Lance woke up shortly after Santa's delivery and was so excited!! He came in our room and told us about his "hug present wrapped in Woody paper". He tried so hard to go back to sleep, but it took him forever! He laid with us, went back to his room and then finally ended up in our bed again. I honestly have no idea what time he finally went to sleep. Jeff woke up and was up for a bit. Then came back to bed just as Lindley was waking up for her 6am bottle. By the time I got it made and back to the bedroom with her he had woke Lance up! They went and got Lilly and waited patiently for Lindley to finish her bottle. Then it was time to get busy.

Santa wrecked his sleigh I think!

 A new book!


Sippy cup!

Spider-Man movie...I love how excited he gets!

Look at that face.....

Just chewing on my Little People Mom...that's all.

He's ready for rain!

Glitter Tattoos!

This is Honey, an American Girl dog to go with her doll!

A new basketball!

Hugging his new nerf gun!

A new telescope! This is as excited as she usually gets.

That's a mirror she's looking at herself in!

A new stuffed elephant
A new basketball goal!!

 A trampoline!!

Lance hugging Lilly and telling her he loves her after she opened his gift to her (an umbrella). She thanked him and he hugged her. SO SWEET!

Playing with his hauler

Working on her wall art!

The aftermath!

Dreamlites from Grandma Trisha!!

Legos that belonged to Jeff when he was little. Even in the Snoopy lunchbox he kept them in!! They LOVED THEM!

Lindley's baby from Grandma!

New clothes from Pappaw & Julie!

A hot wheels wall track

A bath toy from Pappaw & Julie

We made him lay down about 1:30 and he was so upset. He just wanted to play. We put on his new movie and he was out within 10 minutes!

Lilly and Mammaw watching her new movie. (That is her American Girl doll in between them, she has named her Elizabeth)
After naps/rest time we played and played and played some more!!! Due to the bad weather we weren't able to put together big stuff, but they were fine and stayed busy all day! It was a wonderful day and we are feeling very blessed and lucky!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

The kids were in their Christmas clothes by 9 this morning and asking when my parents were coming! They were a bit excited. Jeff cooked another great meal and we all ate WAY too much. Presents were next. They did great taking turns and we very thankful for everything they got.

The Wade Family 2012

Lindley was interested in Lance's hair!

My loves!

He is this excited about hand sanitizer. I LOVE THIS KID!

A new bracelet

Standing on her own! She did this w/out holding on to anything....


New clothes!

A poncho!

She got pretty good at unwrapping1

A new shirt. His finger is pointing to Pappaw because Pap is wearing one just like it! He loves to look handsome like Pap!

It's Lilly's American Girl doll!!

A transformer!

Pappaw got a remote control helicopter for him and Lance to play with!

Mammaw's angel ornament.

The night before Christmas!!
So much fun I can't wait till morning!!