Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Other July adventures!

Between baseball and swim we really didn't do much more, but you know us. We always find something!!

Just some snuggling!

Sandwich with the Callahans!

So fun!


Surprise Gene's Beans!

Park fun!

So cute!!

My handsome co-pilot

We dog sat for our neighbors one day and the kids loved it!

Lindley in a Lilly hand me down! (almost an entire year older than Lilly wore it)

Last summer when they redid our park they put in a splash pad. It ended up having issues and they closed it at the beginning of the summer for a few weeks to redo. It is MUCH better and the kids love it!

Riding alligators is always fun!

Of course....more ice cream! Shakes this time...

sleepy girl!

We still had our canvases from when we got our crafts.

They worked so hard

Nice job!!


I "helped" Lindley finish hers!

Lilly did hers all by herself!
Working on some lacing strings!

I got a box of books of fall preview for Scholastic and the kids were SO excited!! They immediately started claiming them and reading them.

Just crashed!!
I guess we have done quite a bit, but we really have been low key. It's been SO hot. Like 3 weeks with a heat index over 100. We have watched lots of tv (and I may have the kids addicted to Property Brothers), eating too much and laid around a lot. However, things will be changing quickly as work will be picking up and school is right around the corner!

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