Monday, August 3, 2015

Grandma's Visit

Grandma came to spend two weeks us and one of them was Spring Break so we got to do some fun stuff!!
Playing on Grandma's kindle!

They were so happy to get some Grandma time!

We went to Cobalt to eat one afternoon.


We had a beach day!!

I think Grandma enjoyed putting her toes in the sand!!

We had to hit up Lulu's too!

Momma and her baby!

The water is so fun!

Happy Grandma and happy kids!!
We took Grandma to check out our new park. Lance got in the little swing and I had to snap a picture. He was less than thrilled!

Just a swingin'

Mom and Dad had us over for dinner and some ladderball! Grandma was a pro!

It was so nice to be able to relax and actually show Grandma around. We are usually busy with school or activities so we don't get to do much. This was a great visit and I think we all enjoyed it!!

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