Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Proud Parents

Last week Lilly had her first AR ceremony and got her t-shirt for meeting her 25 point goal. Then that evening we got a preview of her play at Gala fundraiser for her theatre. They had dinner, sang some songs and a silent auction.

Look how tall she is!!!

Waiting for the Gala to start...isn't he handsome??

Sweet girl!

They are like peas in a pod!

She REALLY enjoyed the show. She waved and hollered at Lilly when she came out on stage.

I still can't get over this girl!

She loves it!! The show is the first weekend in December. I can't wait!!
Sidenote....I usually don't bid at Silent Auctions and if I do I rarely go back. However, I got into it!! I wasn't the only one....Lance had a blast! I let him bid on a couple games and he kept checking them. A couple times he bid without checking with me. He did not understand that he was going to have to pay! We ended up winning several items! It was a fun night!!

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